Not girly like?


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Jul 27, 2013

Lizeth V.

Ok, so I see so many girly girls and I just feel so weird because I just like to wear Vans, Skinny Jeans, a Nike t-shirt or outfits like that, Odd Future and stuff. But seeing all these pretty outfits and girls just makes me ugh "why can't I be girly like that?" And sometimes I can be girly because my friends are, and guys are like "why are you dressed up girly today" and I'm just confused.. That's what most of them want.. Is it not girl like to wear vans and skinny jeans, OF? Should I start being girly?...

Jul 27, 2013

Vanessa W.

No of course everyone has their own style, personally I would love to dress girly but overall I prefer a comfy sweater, leggings and vans! I think it still looks cute. Stick with your style :)

Jul 27, 2013

Micaela H.

Just be yourself, don't even worry about what people think, wear whatever you want and you feel comfortable with, that's all that matters. I think it's perfectly fine for a girl to wear skinny jeans, t-shirts and vans, I actually do it, if you want to be more girly wear girly makeup and perfume, just a suggestion, but don't stress about it :)

Jul 27, 2013

Etienne S.

Be yourself sweetie. :) It's also nice to wear something different once in a while.. I enjoy it when I get that kind of reaction from my friends, its funny watching their reactions.. lol.

Jul 27, 2013

Megan G.

I sport odd future and stuff like that just as much as I wear girly clothes. I just wear what I feel like wearing! You should too (:

Jul 27, 2013

Claudia C.

Dude, straight up don't even care what other people think. You do you, and if anyone questions you you just tell them you feel like it. Do what makes you happy, and don't worry about everyone else. Vans are cool, so are sandals and skirts. You'll look fabulous in anything. ( ;

Jul 27, 2013

Gracie H.

If you want to be more girly maybe just do something simple like maybe hair styles headbands or even makeup.

Jul 27, 2013

Liz B.

I used to be like that and then I slowly changed into more girly but still no where near some girls. Just wear a mix of things and be confident.

Jul 27, 2013

Roz X.

You can mix things up while retaining your individuality at the core. If anything, exploring both sides of yourself should prove interesting and will surely result in a unique style that suits you perfectly. Ease into color changes with accessories or lip colors..perhaps little touches are all you will enjoy and those can be fun!

Jul 27, 2013

Jennifer S.

Be yourself and accept yourself for who you are.

Jul 27, 2013

Lily S.

Be yourself. Wear what you want and don't let anybody change who you are.