Homemade Exfoliators


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Jun 14, 2012

Brianna M.

hey ladies :)
i would like to minimize my pores, but i want a very natural way to do it. i have eczema so sometimes, the exfoliators from the store are a bit too harsh for my skin. ! its really sensitive /: does anyone have have any homemade exfoliating recipes ? :D ?!

Jun 14, 2012

Brianna M.

how much water, brown sugar & milk ? like the measurements ?

Jun 22, 2012

Melissa A.

I would say use your favorite moisturser and add brown sugar to it. Add as much sugar you would like to make it as 'rough' or 'smooth' as you like. I think thicker creams work better i.e coco bbody butter. Hope this helped x