Repair Chap Lips Help !


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Jul 2, 2012

gabbyy H.

Okay so I already tried eos ball and it kinda worked but it took awhile to get soft ad as much as I put on the inner lip line was still cracked and rough. And now I've stopped applying stuff on my lips and the completely dry and horrible comment some ideas to fix them ?

Jul 2, 2012

Sofia M.

Drinking lots of water works wonders. Chapped lips can be a sign of dehydration. II would apply lip balm sparingly because it can actually hinder the healing process. 

Jul 2, 2012

gabbyy H.

Okay I don't drink much water I tend to get dehydrated so I'll try that thanks !

Jul 2, 2012

Celina D.

I always drink water, but drinking water doesn't make skin more moisturized, and especially since there are no oil glands on your lips (which would be why they're dry in the first place...) drinking water as means of keeping your lips hydrated would only wash away any kind of lubricant you had there in the first place. However, personally what I like to do is put on Tokidoki's Prisma Gloss as a night "treatment." It's a sticky, thick gloss that you wouldn't want to wear on a windy day, but if you don't roll your head around at night it soaks into your lips and any of the flakes on your lips can be easily buffed away with a soft toothbrush. Also to maintain healthy lips I use sugar balms by Fresh. If those are too expensive for you (I think they're around 15-20, I know, pricey I got a few as a gift...) then ChapIce is a good inexpensive brand that'll keep your lips really nice!!! Good luck~

Jul 3, 2012

Sofia M.

Actually drinking water hydrates your skin cells and does help with chapped lips and dry skin. Oil glands is not the only thing that keeps your skin hydrated it's merely one of the key players and constant application of lip balm etc has been clinically proven to slow down the healing process of chapped lips. So even if one is drinking water, they might not be drinking enough.
Celina's recommendation of exfoliating the lips is a good one and will help speed the cell turnover rate on your lips allowing newer cells to be exposed and thus helping your lips heal.
Gabby, i would try using a combination of drinking more water like one of those tall arrowhead bottles, exfoliating your lips, and applying a night lip treatment since your skin repairs itself optimally in the evening. Just becareful not to over exfoliate so you dont cut your lips and irritate them. If you have really painful lips try using a medicated lip balm at night. Hope that helps :)

Jul 3, 2012

Sofia M.

Actually drinking water hydrates your skin cells and does help with chapped lips and dry skin. Oil glands is not the only thing that keeps your skin hydrated it's merely one of the key players and constant application of lip balm etc has been clinically proven to slow down the healing process of chapped lips. So even if one is drinking water, they might not be drinking enough.
Celina's recommendation of exfoliating the lips is a good one and will help speed the cell turnover rate on your lips allowing newer cells to be exposed and thus helping your lips heal.
Gabby, i would try using a combination of drinking more water like one of those tall arrowhead bottles, exfoliating your lips, and applying a night lip treatment since your skin repairs itself optimally in the evening. Just becareful not to over exfoliate so you dont cut your lips and irritate them. If you have really painful lips try using a medicated lip balm at night. Hope that helps :)

Jul 3, 2012

Candi D.

Try this sugar treatment from Fresh. Works wonders! 

Take a small amount of sugar..add a few drops of water....just enough to make a grainy paste...then rub your lips with the paste to step moisturize with your favorite colorless lip balm...not just on the lips,. but also around the lip area...after a few treatments, your lips with be soft the mean time don't lick, bite or pick!!!!!

Jul 3, 2012

gabbyy H.

Celina no that price is okay we're can I find it ?
Yeah I did it educated me more aha (:
And thanks I'll try that today 

Jul 3, 2012

Amanda B.

Make a lip scrub. Sugar Vasoline and a drop a vanilla lipgloss for some flavor. Rub it into your lips in a circular motion bottom lip to top then wait for it it soak in. Some ppl wash it off after the sugar melts(i guess thats what it does) but I leave it on

Jul 3, 2012

Izzy T.

Use eos or baby lips they work really good

Jul 3, 2012

Nadia N.

Lush has great lip scrubs, Fresh Sugar lip treatment is good also Josie Maran's lip treatment

Jul 3, 2012

Donyah B.

This happened to me a week before my sweet sixteen. I googled this method and it worked in a matter of 2 days. First take a pinch of sugar and a drop of water. Then mix them and rub them on your lips for about a minute or so. Finally, put on a lip balm (no blistex) Optional: keep the mixture on your lips a little longer and use a toothbrush (not to hard) to help smooth them.

Jul 4, 2012

gabbyy H.

I love eos but it Only makes the outer lip part soft not the inner it makes my lips worse if I forget to put it on
Yeah I'm gonna try the sugar thing how many times per day ? 

Jul 4, 2012

Sherry W.

I'm not sure if you posted a topic like this recently, but you should really try Lansinoh Lanolin, my boyfriend just came to visit me and his lips look great. Applying at night makes it work even better because when you sleep your body repairs itself. His lips use to be really cracked, peeled, sometimes bled, now they look smooth. And the scarring around his lip has gone away.

As far as sugar scrub, I would only do it once a day in the morning and that's it. You can mix the sugar with honey it will help make it easier to use

Jul 4, 2012

gabbyy H.

Okay and we're can I find that ? 

Jul 4, 2012

gabbyy H.

And thank you for everyone's advice (:

Jul 4, 2012

Sherry W.

You can find it in the baby section at Wal-Mart. It's actually considered "Nipple Cream" for mothers breastfeeding. They put it on there nipples when they become dry due to the baby breastfeeding. Sounds weird but when My boyfriend was having lip trouble I googled answers and found this, so we went to buy it and now he gladly buys it even though it is "Nipple Cream" he doesnt care because it works. Lanolin is used in other products so It's not solely just Nipple Cream. It comes in a pretty big tube, he still has his first tube and he has had it since January.

Jul 4, 2012

Flora V.

Chapstick Medicated works miracles for me!!! I have a tube in every purse,pocket and drawer you can imagine cause my lips ger chapped and cracked all the time - even now during the summer...!

Jul 4, 2012

Scarlett J.

Drink a lot of water and try this lip salve from Sephora! Here is the review on my blog:
It is only $7, and it really does help make your lips softer and smoother and they don't chap at all!
xo, Scarlett

Jul 4, 2012

gabbyy H.

I love sephora their products are amazing ! I'll deff get that !

Jul 4, 2012

Paola B.

Vaseline! Sleep with it on too :)

Jul 5, 2012

Rina N.

At night I would exfoliate my lips and then apply pure vitamin E oil leave it overnight. Next morning they would be really soft. That has helped me a lot (:

use a scrub on your lips, mix honey and brown sugar together and rub this onto your lips. it will taste great and also take off all of the dead skin on your lips leaving them super smooth. i've tried eos so many times and i actually think they are horrible. the company definitely paid more attention to getting people to buy them because of there cute appearance. try blistex's lip mendex (in the little blue container with red lettering). its pretty cheap and it is so soft. also gives your lips a slight shine and has some spf in it too. 

Simply brush your lips while brushing your teeth or separately of course. Smashbox has a great lip scrub too.