Elumen Hair Color Care


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She's a big advocate of the line, she uses it on herself. I've done reds for a long time now and I wanted a really vibrant colour that stayed well, so she suggested elumen. I remember she just used the red (I think it was just RR, unless I'm making things up) and didn't mix any other colours or tones into it. Definitely a true red. Here's a picture of when it was freshly done, a few days to a week after. It's been a few weeks and I'm getting it redone next week.

Sep 21, 2012

Sarah B.

How come Elumen? What is your color at now.. and what is the desired level and tone?

Elumen's results at first are incredible.. but the color care is key. To maintain a high lift vibrant color is really time consuming and quite the investment... answer my questions first though and I can definitely help you figure out what needs to be done!

My stylist recommended that I try a permanent color from the Elumen line, and I love the results, but I'm not quite solid on the after care. I can't really afford the high end prices of the Elumen system, so I'd love some recommendations (:

I'm just using an Aveeno Naturals colour protecting shampoo, which I find doesn't strip the colour, but whenever I use the conditioner, that's when I experience colour loss. Thanks in advance (: