Melt Cosmetics lipstick??


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Nov 4, 2013

Alyx T.

I got an email from them a few days ago saying they're working on restocking right now and are trying to get a huge stock before putting them up for sale again to try to prevent them from selling out in the future. They're also coming out with 2-6 new colors for Christmas season.

I love the colors of the occ lip tars too but they make my lips swell and break me out in hives all around my mouth the next day. :/ so be careful before you buy a whole bunch. I bought a set of 5 colors before trying them and that was a big mistake.

Nov 4, 2013

Grace K.

Lora Arellano is on tour with Rihanna and has been for aaages, that might be why their company has been put on the back burner. I think the lipsticks are really drying but do last forever on your lips. :)

Nov 4, 2013

Shelley W.

My husband's assistant waited two months for an out of stock shade. Their production is very small hence the constant restocking. They really need to get their mess together in regards to customer service because while they struggle to get it together there are other independent lip lines creeping up on them.

Nov 4, 2013

Michelle B.

@Sarah, the lip tar looks amazing!! :) Thank you so much for suggesting!

@A T. That's my problem, I have sensitive skin and would really love to try melt. The colors are beautiful! I read that they don't have a restock date but I was hoping maybe some ladies on here have used them and knows how long it usually takes. :/

Nov 4, 2013

Alyx T.

They haven't released a restock date, as it says in their FAQ on the website, no they do not sell in stores.

I have heard really good things about the lipstick and am having to wait also for the restock. But from the research I've done about them they seem very good, long lasting and non drying. They are extremely vibrant too. I have very sensitive skin and get reactions to many different lipsticks that have certain ingredients that melt cosmetics don't have in them. I'm hoping they restock soon and I can finally have lipstick that doesn't break me out two days later. So for me, it'll be worth it.

Nov 4, 2013

Michelle B.

Also, how good is this brand? Is it really worth waiting for? I need something vegan, long lasting, a vibrant color and non-drying. Does it have those qualities? I know it is vegan but I don't know about anything else as I have never bought from them before. Also, do they sell their products in any store?

Nov 4, 2013

Michelle B.

When do they usually restock after being sold out? I have been waiting and I am getting annoyed! lol I would like the lovely lipstick before fall is over. :(