Are there any Schools in Tampa..


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Sep 29, 2012

Justina A.

I want to take some classes but I'm not really sure if there are any in Tampa... can someone help??

There are a few places in and around Tampa and in central Florida? Are you coming to The Makeup Show Orlando next month? A few of the Florida based schools will be there

Oct 1, 2012

Justina A.

I'm hoping that I can, do you have to be a makeup artist to go?

The show is open to Pros only but there are so many people that want to come to meet with schools and the brands that we would find a way to let Beautylish members in and of course anyone who wants to be a pro

Oct 2, 2012

Justina A.

Oh ok, how would I be able to get a ticket for it if I am interested in looking into the schools?

Oct 3, 2012

Alexis B.

Their is a aveda on us 19 (the school)

Oct 3, 2012

Justina A.

Really, which area of 19?

check out for tickets and information. I will be doing a tour of Florida schools before the show to meet students and artists.

Oct 11, 2012

Jennifer B.

James, how could Beautylish members get in? I live super close to Orlando and wanted to go so bad to go to classes! It sounds extremely fun!

You can go to to purchase your tickets. In the comment or how did you hear about section put in the word Beautylish. I would love to meet Beautylish members at the show.