Hateration and All Around Negativity on YouTube


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Apr 13, 2012

Rachel W.

I had to deal with a couple of those people also when I first starting making YouTube videos, but most of the time they don't even have a picture of themselves on there channel so don't let it bother you because they don't even have the guts to make videos. Also I would block them because you don't need that kind of negativity. 

I know the feeling :-/ I have had a hater and people go watch my videos and dislike them for no reason. It sucks but I just shrug it off...a lot of people like my channel I dont make videos for the haters...I do it because I enjoy it. Its hard to ignore the hate but try not to let it get to you. 

Apr 11, 2012

April F.

thanks for all the kind words and support guys!! it really means a lot and it makes me feel tons better : )

Apr 10, 2012

Rina N.

I sorta just started making videos. But, I see hate all over videos no matter who it is. I'm pretty sensitive but I know it'll help me grow a thicker skin just like Jasmin said. I would say just brush it off and continue on with your day, You know you have people who actually care and like what you do! Your extremely talented, I subbed. :)

i have had one person say something slick so far but they had no videos no subscribers and so i just responded with a thank you. sometimes if you dont fuel the fire than it will eventually die out. i just don't have the time or energy for that drama. i have seen other people get it the worse so it let me know that my time will soon come and just to be prepared for it.. hope it gets better doll

Apr 10, 2012

Heather H.

I remember my first few troll comments, they really bugged me. And, like Jasmine said, you develop a thicker skin to it and you can even learn to laugh about it...just like when you work retail. LOL! But it can be difficult when you put yourself out there and try to show your creativity and someone goes and slams you.

I notice that within minutes of posting a video, someone will go and thumb it down. The thumbs down still annoy me because it's so anonymous and you never know why. I just assume they do it because they want to rain on someone's parade. I consider disabling it sometimes, but I just have to learn to let it slide...

Apr 10, 2012

Sabrina P.

‎"Let your haters become your congratulators"

And OH! I just checked out your channel! You are super talented!

(Sorry for the double comment)

Trolls are always gonna be trolls. I feel sorry for a person that has so little going on in their life, that they have to spread hate online. SPREAD LOVE YALL! 


Apr 10, 2012

Krystal B.

I don't have a youtube channel, but it bugs me to see people hating on the vloggers! Why spend your time watching the videos just to say something negative? And I get especially mad when people like me who subscribe and try to replicate the techniques you guys show us, and then someone criticizes our job! I have seen that many times here. We are encouraged to show how we practice, but it is very vulnerable to put yourself out there. And scary if you think you will face criticism! I commend you ladies that take the time to do the videos for us, it has done wonders for my self esteem all the different tips I have learned. Thank you!

Apr 10, 2012

Carly M.

It isn't fun to deal with... at all, but it honestly does not mean a damn thing. People will be rude for a myriad of reasons and it sucks that you have one targeting you. The best way to deal with situations like this is to ignore the person, block them on all social media sites (if possible), and just put as much space between you and that person as possible. If the harassment progresses to a point where it is life threatening or if they end up stalking you: contact your local authorities. 

Apr 10, 2012

Katie A.

ew that's awful, I am just waiting for that sort of thing to happen..I guess the more we talk about it, the more we're aware and hopefully desensitized by it. People can be gross!

Apr 9, 2012

Olivia G.

You should definetly watch Kandee Johnsons videos on Youtube, she is amazing and has videos on how to deal with this kinda stuff, she deals with haters everyday saying terrible things about her and her family. Hope this helps :)

I haven't had really horrible experiences but I can recall when I use to say:"Oh I've never had to deal w/ negativity on YouTube" only to later be confronted on videos or through personal message. Simply put DON'T ACKNOWLEDGE THEM. Their whole reasoning behind even making crass, demeaning comments is for attention and by responding you are giving them just the attention they seek. If the comment is not life threatening I just simply block them and delete the comment, however, if ever they got to the point where my well being was threatened I'd quickly do what I had to do to report them and gather what ever information I had of them. Most of the time what weird is these horribly negative remarks come from newly created accounts or fake accounts by people who have regular accounts.
I always look at it as they are unhappy with themself so they want to make others unhappy or negative and I simply don't fall for their tactics. 

Yep, comes with the territory. I used to get stuff all the time because of my hard of hearing accent. Even had some crazy lady said she'd "pray for my deafness demon." (lolwut being hard of hearing/deaf is not a disease calm the heck down). You're gonna get the rude ones and you're gonna get the crazy ones. It may be everyday. It may only be once a year. but it'll happen. I say eff it and fight back LOL I really don't get as much crazy comments as I used to.

Apr 6, 2012

Laura J.

oh that's awful to hear :( don't worry, maybe he/she was only a jealous person or maybe he/she just wanted to try ruin your day. And btw, try to ignore all the negative persons in there. All in all, I've found that if you have videos in Youtube, girl you gotta have some good confidense! :O That's basically why I haven't put any videos on Youtube, yet...

Apr 6, 2012

Marian H.

no problem <3

Apr 6, 2012

April F.

@marian is thtredheadchiik you on youtube? if so thanks for the sub also : )

Apr 6, 2012

April F.

@erin thanks for the sub dear!! i subbed back : )

to all: i did block the person after i let them know that their negativity was unappreciated. the sad thing is i actually know exactly who it was (it was another user on here). but it's all good. i will continue to do me, just as i always have : ) i just needed to vent a bit.

I've had a good amount of trolling and hating on YouTube and unfortunately it comes with the territory. It used to bother me at first, but after a while it's going to be there and you can't get away from it. People who have low self-esteem like to tear other people down especially with the anonymity of the internet. I personally grew thicker skin because of it. Just shrug 'em off and enjoy what you're doing online. It's a wonderful creative outlet, so don't let one person stop you from doing you! Take whatever criticism you get with a little salt, learn from your mistakes, and grow and become more awesome :) 

Apr 6, 2012

Marian H.

Im sure its people who doesn't have the guts to place themselves infront of a camara and then posting it to the world. People who have issues with themselves and need to takes it out on the others to feel better with who they are. Everyone's techniques are different and in the beauty world everything goes as long as it works for you, don't mind people who hate because they have nothing to do with their lives. XOXO

Apr 6, 2012

Ari T.

I am pretty sure you can report them too

Apr 6, 2012

Erin C.

I'm lucky that I haven't had to deal with any negativity on my channel yet but I know that I will eventually have to deal with it. The best thing you can do is ignore it. They don't know you and they have no right to judge you either. If it is an incredibly rude or offensive comment I'd delete it or block it (I'm not sure how that works). I think you're doing a great job - I subscribed. Don't let a hater ruin something you enjoy. Just leave it be and eventually they'll move on. Keep doing what you love, you're doing great :)

Apr 6, 2012

April F.

so i knew i was putting myself out for this by posting on youtube and i don't intend to stop posting because of it, but i finally got my first youtube troller. i think i dealt with okay but i'm pretty mad because the person didn't leave anything helpful (i'm actually shaking). i'm not saying my videos are beyond reproach and that my technique is perfect or anything, but if you're just gonna leave a nasty comment, i would rather you miss me with that kind of stuff. so what i wanna know ladies is how do you deal with trolling/meanness/negativity/hateration on your youtube vids? do you let it get under your skin? or do you just say F it and keep it moving?