Dots on my legs!


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Apr 4, 2017

Laura Y.

I get dots after shaving my legs look like goosebumps dots hahaha 😂 don't know if that is normal lol

Jul 1, 2013

Kenzie L.

Try exfoliating before and after you shave. the black dots will begin to fade and you'll actually stay smoother longer :)

Jul 1, 2013

Dimple N.

Follicles **

Jul 1, 2013

Dimple N.

Those are probably your hair folicles.. I have them too :C
I used to be self conscious about them because it really did look like I didn't shave so I just did show off my legs.
I read about them online and I could only find that the solution to getting rid on them forever is laser hair removal (expensive and pain)
I found that our so then I tried waxing... Not too bad but it just helped reduce the potential of more dots. I soaked then in hot water , but loads of mosturizres on, and tried not to shave and grow the hair out but nothing worked for me
I just accepted it , and I couldn't honestly care less about what others said really
And even if you're really self conscious wear skin/black coloured tights or leggings with shorts/skirts/dresses...
I dunno , just my story with these stupid hair folicles.
Research more about them online and see where you get! If you get anymore solutions be sure to tell me on here!! :* <3

Jul 1, 2013

Dana M.

It may be apart of your genetics. I went to a dermatologist and they told me it was some skin condition.

Jul 1, 2013

Camelia A.

I break out from any shaving lotions etc. I now either use baby oil on my legs then shave or I just water my legs and shave. Only way for I don't get anything

Jul 1, 2013

Amal A.

Thanks so much!

Jul 1, 2013

Anupa M.

I have the same problem. they don't go away when you wax, but shaving makes them worse. I looked it up, its because your skin is sensitive (I react to Nair too). I haven't found anything that makes it better except over the years they've gotten lighter with waxing. if I find out anything new I'll be sure to let you know!

Jul 1, 2013

Bailey B.

Lotion!! Lotion them up with aloe or something calming.

Jul 1, 2013

Amal A.

I'm allergic to nair, it breaks me out in a rash. :(

Jul 1, 2013

A R.

hair removal cream

Jul 1, 2013

A R.

Did you try waxing or using like Nair?

Jul 1, 2013

Amal A.

I keep getting these little black dots all over my legs! Even if I get rid of my leg hair, they're still there. And it's embarrassing because from a distance it looks like I haven't shaved my legs. How do I get rid of them? I've heard laser hair removal helps, but that's not really an option for me because I'm only 15.