Skin Tag On Eyelid.


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Jun 20, 2013

Betsy P.

Ok. so I have this suuuupperrr tiny skin tag on my eyelid and honestly you can't see it at all. you have to look for it but I know its there and it bothers me when I apply eyeshadow. any suggestions on how to remove it. once again its super small.

Jun 20, 2013

Kate J.

I've read a bunch of ideas on the Internet about how to remove them and I'm sure some of them will work but since it's your eyelid I would make an appointment with your doctor. They can probably take care of it in office in no time with very little pain and a LOT less chance of getting an infection or something going wrong.

Everyone has skin tags or moles or some other imperfection. If it doesn't bother you too much, maybe even just leave it alone but if you're serious about having it removed you really ought to go see a professional. Eyelid infections are no joke. You really don't want a complication that could damage your vision or scar your eyelid. THAT would be worse than a skin tag.

Good luck and be safe!

Jun 20, 2013

Claire W.

If you really want to get rid of it a doctor friend once told me to tie a hair round them, leave it and it should drop off.

Jun 20, 2013

Dina U.

Hi, I's a cosmetologist. I would not remove that yourself, I suffer from them too, they drive me crazy. Your eyelid is the thinnest layer of skin on your body, so one wrong move and that could create major issues. Talk to your doctor about it, if you have insurance tell them its uncomfortable or painful and then it would be more likely to be covered as medically needed instead of cosmetic.

Jun 21, 2013

Roz X.

I had mine removed from my derm. Takes a few seconds.