Marker-type Lip Stains


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Mar 14, 2012

Lindsie M.

Is there some sort of trick to applying the marker-type lip stains? (Or any other kind of stain for that matter) Every tie I try them I look like I tried to color in my lips with a magic marker. It's very splotchy and doesnt look nice. So how do you do it?

Mar 14, 2012

Erin C.

I find with the marker-type ones you have to use a very light hand and take your time with it. Practice it a bit until you find a way that works for you. You could also try exfoliating your lips before hand as the splotches may be coming from having dry skin on your lips. Hope this helps :)

Mar 14, 2012

Kayli H.

I agree with Erin- if you pick at your lips or have dry lips, the stain will come out splotchy. That happens to me all the time because my lips get really dry and flake (gross, I know, hahaha) Just keep your lips moisturized and hopefully that'll help :)

I hate marker stains! they never work out for me, great tips though.

No matter what I do, the Revlon Just Bitten lip stains ALWAYS come out splotchy on me. I don't have as much of a problem with the covergirl lipstains.

I use MAC Pro Longwear Lip Stains and whenever my lips are dry they are splotchy, that's just how stains are. You really need to make sure you exfoliate and to condition your lips well before you wear stains.

Mar 14, 2012

Yolanda N.

I use the lip stains those that look like markers and the work just fine, I have tried the Revlon ones, the Maybelline ones and the Covergirl ones, but I guess I don’t have dry lips. For your case I recommend you to try maybe the Revlon color stay that are a liquid stain, I love them , they last a long long time on my lips and the have some great colors. I have a pink a nude and a red which is the best! 

I agree with everyone else! Your lips have to be healthy when you wear them because they will show every flaw! But when you're applying it put on a thin layer at first... let it dry.. and put another thin layer on top. Do this until you get the desired pigmentation and once it's dry top it off with a lip balm. The color will stay for a while and your lips will still be hydrated so that they still look good!

Mar 14, 2012

Bria K.

I agree completely with Victoria D. My lips can be totally smooth and moisturized right before I apply but it still comes right off. Cover Girl works for me perfectly. Also, when I just wanted to try out a lipstain I got NYC because it was the cheapest and I didn't know if I would like it. Even that one worked better than Revlon Just Bitten.

Mar 16, 2012

Lindsie M.

Thanks for all the great tips! Ill try them and see how it goes

Mar 17, 2012

Britt A.

Besides having moisturized lips, I always tilt the felt tip to the side and rub it on my lips that way. I find it gives me a more even and saturated application then using the point. I use it like I'm coloring sideways with a crayon, like how you use to shade when you were little :) 

Mar 18, 2012

Kesley W.

I always make sure to exfoliate and over-use my chapstick if I know I'll be using a stain. I use Revlon's just bitten and it works just fine for me :) Agree with Britt above on sideways application

Mar 22, 2012

Michelle D.

Exfoliate your lips first to get rid of flakiness on your lips. Then apply a little lip balm. Try starting from the middle of you lip and work your way out when applying the lip stain (depending on what brand, I'm pretty sure you can apply it on the inner lip and then just press your lips together to get it all over the lips for a bitten look). Once it dries, apply some more lip balm.