Dry, Flaky Scalp ~For ppl who understand Black hair~


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Mar 15, 2012

Skye W.

Hiya! Itz me again. Ever since I started straightening my hair, my scalp has been EXTREMELY dry and flaky and itchy. I'm not sure if my scalp is not used to it or what. I can't even brush out my hair without a bunch of patches of scalp falling onto my bathroom counter(EW!). It's disgusting, unattractive, and really annoying. Should I just wait it out or is there a good product(specifically for black hair is preferred) that I can use for it. Thanks!

Mar 15, 2012

Naila C.

OMG Skye!!! I had that problem too!!!! Check my youtube channel. I have a video on Curing Dry Flaky Scalps with Sage!!!!! 

Mar 15, 2012

Afiya H.

Not sure this will help but I've always had an itchy scalp. A couple years now I've been using pure castor oil mixed with extra virgin olive oil and I oil my scalp once a week and a sometimes a couple times depending on the state of my hair. You can try and see if it works for you, or look into others like coconut oil, macadamia nut oil, grapeseed etc.
@ Naila i'm about to go watch your vids I'm interested to see how you use sage

Mar 16, 2012

Skye W.

Just flat ironing @Kimberly M.

Mar 16, 2012

Skye W.

@Naila C. KEWL! I'll check it out right now lol, @Afiya H. Sounds pretty promising, thnx