Is Red Hair Too Over Done?


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Mar 21, 2012

Rosa K.

Oh gosh red hair is the best, but SUCH a pain to work with. Yes I dyed my hair red for about a year on and off, and I do see people with different hues of red, but If you wanna go for something different I would go with a Carrot Top red, I'm debating if I wanna do that, Not a lot of people have that type of red. I think this color is sooo beautiful.

You should try it, but it's soo hard to maintain so you really gotta deep condition because you will be dying your hair a lot! :)

Tara B.

Mar 19, 2012

Tara B.

Do it! If you love it, it doesn't matter who has it! I had it for the longest time, and loved it, and I just had a baby 8 weeks ago, and he was born with blonde hair and now has beautiful red natural hair I love it!!! 

Mar 13, 2012


I had bright read hair for years. (I'm not talking natural bright red hair, but fire engine red) and I loved it. So did a lot of other people. But ultimately its your hair, your choice. If you want red hair.. Go for it!

Mar 13, 2012

Yolanda N.

There is a lot of red heads in the world as they are a lot of blondes, and for the last couple years it has really become more and more popular. But I don’t see why you can have red hair too, just try and get a tone that makes you feel special or different, no everybody is the same, so you just have to give it your touch. 

Mar 13, 2012

Eninna S.

For the last year or so I've been wanting to grow out my hair and tint my hair red, but it seems everywhere I look , there's maybe 3 or 4 girls with red hair. Is it it too over done?