Crazy breakout! Help :(


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Sep 24, 2013

Shaye M.

Out of the blue for no reason at all I've turned into a walking zit and can't even apply my makeup without seeing them, any quick solutions to get rid of them? Thanks ladies :}

Sep 24, 2013

Taylor K.

Mario Badescu Drying Lotion! The stuff is magical! It doesn't work 100% overnight but you see a huge difference the next morning!

Sep 24, 2013

Shona S.

St Ives apricot scrub!!

Sep 24, 2013

Jamie D.

Have you been eating a lot of junk? Like, a few weeks ago I ate like 3 bags of Doritos in 3 days and it was the worst breakout I've ever had. Drinking lots if water should help if that's the problem, it should go down in a week or so.

Sep 24, 2013

Sarah J.

Savlon is my life saver when spots flare up! takes the redness out and stops them turning into white heads! also exfoliate twice a week and cleanse everyday. Use toner to keep pores minimised. Use a good moisturiser with Spf and remember take makeup off every night. For now don't wear makeup and let your skin breathe so it can heal. Face masks twice a week are a life saver too. Hope I have helped. x

Sep 24, 2013

Traci L.

Wash with a cleanser with salicylic acid then apply a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment

Sep 24, 2013

Deseni F.

tee trea oil!

Sep 24, 2013

Melanie V.

How often are you cleaning your applicators? how old is your foundation?

Sep 24, 2013

Megan A.

Eat clean foods and I recommend Purity cleanser by Philosophy with their Hope in a Jar moisturizer. Always use moisturizer after washing your face! It balances skin ph. Many people make the mistake of not using a moisturizer. I also recommend the Clean and Clear spot treatment.

Sep 24, 2013

Tiffany P.

Get an acne treatment gel or a toner with salicylic acid or benzoyl.

Sep 24, 2013

Lindsay N.


Sep 24, 2013

Maggie M.

Lol I doubt laxatives are the answer Lindsey. We all need to be aware of recommendations considering the age range around here. Laxatives shouldn't be involved unless medically necessary. Sheesh.

Sep 24, 2013

Pamela W.

Okay so a month ago I had a crazy breakout situation. So the first thing I did was use an astringent to clean all dirt and oil on my face. Then I put a facial mask on. When I took the facial mask off, I splashed hot water all over my face (I like really hot water to open my pores). I then use my facial wash to clean my face and then use a soft exfoliating scrub. Once that's all done. I splash cold water on my face to close my pores. I do this whole routine twice a month. Everyday, twice a day, I do everything but the astringent and facial mask. I also leave my skin makeup free til my skin is clear. I also do a baking soda scrub once a week on my nose and forehead to reduce white/black heads and oil production.

Make sure all your brushes are clean. Also have a regular skin routine and apply an acne treatment on the spots.