The Balm Nude 'Tude palette similar to the UD Naked 1/2 palette!?


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Jun 7, 2012

Mary P.

I have all 3 of these palettes (Naked, Naked 2 and Nude 'Tude). I love all 3 and would say they are similar since they are all neutral colors but if you want to compare the quality, i would definitely choose Urban Decay! Naked 2 is my preferred choice out of all 3 of these palettes :-)

I've got NAKED and Nude Tude, they're not similar at all (I mean, besides the fact that they're all neutral like shades). I mean, shades are different and all. Because of those differences, one palette isn't better than the other palette, imo. I like both. 

Please and thanks! :)