Bright Eyeshadows


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May 21, 2012

Tracyanna L.

I prefer Mac and Makeup Forever eyeshadows, but the Fash 120 color pallet has a wide range of colors for a super good price. You can order it on Amazon. If you combine that with the NYX primer in white, the colors will definitely be poppin! I love bright colors, they are my favorite. :)

May 20, 2012

Cecilie A.

Sleek have two new palettes with matte shadows :)

May 20, 2012

Kristina C.

I agree with Jade, Makeupgeek carries highly pigmented shadows, they also carry highly pigmented pigment samples from Ben Nye and MAC, but if you want even cheaper buy any coastal scents pallet and just get a really good primer! hope that helps

May 18, 2012

Jade S.

Try Makeupgeek .. Shadows highly pigmented!!

May 18, 2012

Vanessa L.

Wow! Thanks so much for the wonderful feedback. I really appreciate it ;)

May 18, 2012

Mindy R.

Sugarpill! And Sleek's Acid i-Divine palette is wonderful. It's a UK company and they can't ship it to America (FDA regulations with neon pigments) but I ordered mine on eBay. I love it. Kryolan's UV Day Glo palette is good too.

May 17, 2012

Bec S.

I recently bought the Inglot 20 palette and chose my own colors and I use it all the time! Recently got Sugarpill as well and love all the colors. Like everyone is saying, both brands are super pigmented and awesome! They're packaged differently, so that might be a consideration for you, depending on how you carry/store your makeup. Have fun! You'll love them both!

May 17, 2012

Gabbi D.

I'd say Inglot since you can build your own palette and they have a ton of colors to choose from!

You could try Coastal Scents? That's a very popular palette and I believe they have both matte and shiny ones to choose from!

Lacey <3

May 17, 2012

Mish N.

I would say Sugarpill or Inglot. Inglot may be better because you can easily choose whatever colors you like. Hope that helps!

May 17, 2012

Tehani S.

you can go online to or go to your nearest target for them too

May 17, 2012

Tehani S.

i will go with elf its very good makeup and its like 20$ for a 144 palette all there items go for $1-$40 alot of salons get it my auntie is a mac junkie too but when she doesnt have the money ahe buys elf products because they have some great products 

May 17, 2012

Lorena C.

I have the coastal scents palette and really love the color payoff that I get. I found this blog entry by KJ Bennet to be really helpful too

May 16, 2012

Vanessa L.

Thanks for the heads up Jane and Monica ;)

May 16, 2012

Monica H.

I would go for the coastal scents 88 matte eye shadow palette. It has every color of the rainbow, the colors are very pigmented and its only around $20! You can buy it at

May 16, 2012

Monica H.

I would go for the coastal scents 88 matte eye shadow palette. It has every color of the rainbow, the colors are very pigmented and its only around $20! You can buy it at

May 15, 2012

Jane A.

Sugarpill! The size and the cost equates to very reasonable price...

Just a little warning, the PINK (Dollipop I believe) may stain your lids. I freaked out a little cause I thought it was just me, but I think it stained other people's lids. It isn't bad bad... it just took me for surprise when it happened.

May 15, 2012

Vanessa L.

Thank you so much...I will definitely look into Sugarpill and Sleek. Thank you for reminding me that I can get these at IMATS. I'm looking forward to getting more eyeshadows from Inglots as well. Have you guys tried Coastal Scents? They seem a little too cheap but they apparently they are very popular.

I agree with Mandy! I either go for those or Inglot eye shadows, but in the end Sugarpill always wins in pigmentation if you're going for super bright shadow. I hear that Sleek is pretty good as well for brights too, though I've personally never tried their palettes before.

May 14, 2012

Vanessa L.

I've always been a total MAC junkie but now I'm looking to buy a palette (more on the affordable side) that has a lot of really bright matte shadows. What do you recommend? Where can I buy them? Has anyone tried the Ulta palettes? Thank you!