What do you Consider as "Selling Out" when it comes to blogs?


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May 12, 2012

Shelley W.

Honesty is the best policy and if it violates your personal moral and ethic's code then I would walk away from the offer. I hate nothing more than following a blogger only to discover later down the line that they committed a dishonest act to obtain more followers. Only you can control the success of your blog by being involved with your fans, posting great pieces and just being yourself. Besides, if they aren't willing to throw in some products for you to try out and critique then they aren't worth your time.

So a company contacted me and wanted me to basically promote them on my blog without even trying out their products or knowing much about them. All of my posts have been my HONEST opinion and have wrote them free of charge with no incentives from the companies of products I have reviewed. Will turning them down hurt the success of my blog? Is taking the moral high road the best way to go about this? And, if I did decide to write a post for them, would that be considered selling out? I would love feedback! =]

I am glad I saw this, I am making the decision to turn them down. When I really think about it, honesty is a rare commodity these days and I don't want my blog to become something that promotes dishonest things. It really irritates me that they wanted me to have them allover my page when I never tried any of their expensive life changing products! Not to mention, its a health/fitness/nutrition company, there is no way I am going to represent them without have trying out their products! I am taking the high road here thanks for your help Shelly =] 

When the offers start coming in a lot of people feel obligated. Don't.

Forming partnerships with brands or companies isn't inherently bad, but you should always feel like you can maintain your voice. Sounds like you did the right thing.

Yeah I just didn't want my blog to go in the wrong direction. Thank you for the advice!

May 14, 2012

Shelley W.

You're welcome Leeann B. :)

LeeAnn B.

Bay Area, California