Do sulfates really matter?


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Jun 9, 2012

Emily C.

I'm aware that sulfate free shampoos are meant to be better for your hair than other shampoos but wouldn't these shampoos be containing some other form of surfactant anyway? I have curly hair so it tends to get frizzy and dry but does it really matter what ingredients are in it?

Jun 9, 2012

Shelly T.

Some sulfates are more harsh than others. I believe Ammonium Lauryl and Laureth Sulfates are the harshest, not to mention the cheapest. Sodium Lauryl and Laureth are in the middle (I also remember reading that SLES can be naturally-derived from coconut oil). The least harsh sulfates are Tea Lauryl and Laureth.

Also, all sulfates are safe (otherwise, they wouldn't be in many shampoos in the first place). The only issue is scalp irritation, and it doesn't happen to everyone. If you've used shampoos with sulfates and have had no issues with them, continue to use what you've been using.

That said, I did a little googling, and found this post about sulfates geared toward curly-haired women. Here's an excerpt, followed by the link...

<<However, it is NOT the sulfates in shampoo that keep your scalp and follicles clean—movement and agitation are what do the cleansing. Think of a washing machine: that agitator in the middle that swishes your clothes back and forth is there for a reason. Without it, your laundry detergent would be fairly ineffective, no matter how many mountain fresh chemicals are loaded in there.>>

And for some more scientifically-minded posts on sulfates... [evidence that it's the *dose* that makes the poison, not the ingredient itself being bad] [this one mentions that conditioner is important if you're curly]

In the end, really, it comes down to what works best for *you*, IMO.

Jun 9, 2012

Emily C.

Thanks for all the detailed info; awesome :)