Looking for the perfect foundation


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Jun 2, 2012

Kaysey L.

I actually have Colorstay and I think it breaks me out. :( I was thinking about investing in a MAC foundation though.

Jun 2, 2012

Katie E.

Well a decent cheap one is Revlon's Colorstay ($10) a more pricey but good one is MAC's Matchmaster ($33). If you don't want to deal with a liquid then I would go for Bare Mineral's powder ($27) or Cover FX's cream ($42) , but creams are usually hard to deal with.

Jun 2, 2012

Kaysey L.

I'm pretty fair and have normal/combination skin. I've used bunches of foundations but I just can't seem to find the perfect one. Does anyone have any suggestions for a foundation that would be good for everyday use and that looks natural but also gives good coverage?