Lip Gloss/Stick For Sensitive Lips.


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Mar 23, 2013

Caitlin M.

I agree with Shelley. You should try to find out what is causing the irritation and reaction so you know what to avoid. It doesn't really matter if what you get is gentle or for sensitive skin if it contains an ingredient your body doesn't agree with. Once you know what it is you can find things without it in it.

But you could try Fresh Sugar lip balm. They have a plain one, an advanced therapy one and then a range of tinted shades. They're like baby lips but much better quality. Or try Philosophy's Kiss Me Tonight, you can get it on their website. Both options are pricey but I use and love both. You could try Jack Black lip balms as well. They're $7.50 at Sephora

Mar 23, 2013

Jessie E.

My little secret is Vaseline... I get the travel sized one at target. It's like $1.50, good for sensitive skin and it keeps your lips moisturized for a long time.

Mar 22, 2013

Katrina N.

Try Tarte it's a pricey brand but it's great for sensitivity.

Mar 22, 2013

Sarah H.

What ingredient is it you're allergic to? Find out, and go from there, it will make your life easier. I'm allergic to petroleum based lip products so I avoid them by reading ingredients before I purchase.

Mar 22, 2013

Ashley D.

Some burts bees products do have a tint, I love that shade watermelon, its more of a pinky purple that is wearable anywhere, any season.

Mar 22, 2013

Milana M.

I've seen it, does it have any color?

Mar 22, 2013

Jasmine B.

Have you tried Burt bees? This will actually be more easier on your lips.

Mar 22, 2013

Milana M.

Thanks this I will try both. It's just weird that my skin is not really sensitive but my lips are over sensitive

Mar 22, 2013

Shelley W.

I suggest seeing a dermo before you waste anymore money experimenting with other products. Dermo will be able determine what ingredients are irritating your lips making it easier for you to locate lip products that will not cause such awful results.

Mar 22, 2013

Milana M.

When I was younger I wore ALOT of lip gloss, I also used a lot of carmex but when I turned 12 my lips started breaking out TERRIBLY (bumps swollen and puss sorry ) from lip gloss and carmex. So I tried just one coating of lip gloss or carmex once a year and the same thing happens. Now I use Vaseline lip therapy and that's the only thing that doesn't breakout my lips. However I feel I'm becoming really addicted and I get nervous because every now and then I get that itchy feeling like my lips might breakout so I try to use it sparingly but I can't stand dry lips.

I wear a lot of makeup from drugstore to expensive sephora makeup so my skin is not really sensitive it's just my lips. It sucks wearing eyeliner eyeshadow and all that while having plain boring lips.

Is there any kind of hypoallergenic lip gloss or lipstick? Should I just try out a expensive name brand lip gloss/stick? Thanks!

Sorry for the long post..