How do eating habits affect skin?


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Jan 6, 2013

Ashley M.

Does anybody know any information on how your eating habits affect your skin? I know the basics such as water but I'm looking for info on protein in particular

Jan 7, 2013

Ashley M.

Ok thanks! I'm actually a vegetarian so I hardly get any protein but I was worried that not getting enough would greatly affect my skin. Thank you for your comment, it really helped :)

Jan 7, 2013

Moonpie M.

Ok thanks! I'm actually a vegetarian so I hardly get any protein but I was worried that not getting enough would greatly affect my skin. Thank you for your comment, it really helped :)

Jan 7, 2013

Henry R.

I'm a vegetarian and I get plenty of protein. Most veggie meats and such have lots of protein in them so you're getting a good amount. I heard too little can dry out skin, but you can find protein in plenty of non meat products. Just do some research 

Jan 7, 2013

Loren B.

Beware of sodium, chemicals like hexane used in tvp production and excess estrogen from too much soy. Eat a natural food diet with varied fruits and lots of vegetables particularly non starchy kind. It's a shame that we define diets by what we avoid than by what we consume. Berries, squash, kale, broccoli, all whole natural foods. Always wash well. 

Jan 7, 2013

Loren B.

Oh coca is great without the excess sugar and fat but ditch any soda or sugary drinks- even juice is more sugar than nutrition. Eat the whole fruit as nature intended instead. 

Jan 8, 2013

Ashley M.

Ok thanks everyone! I will definitely stop drinking soda and stick to water and natural juices along with the several other great tips :)