Really Dry Flakey Skin.


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Dec 7, 2016

Megan L.

Thank you!

Dec 7, 2016

Jinny L.

Try not to touch the area with your fingers if at all possible! exfoliate gently to get rid of dead skin cells then moisturize. try a thick cream. an eye cream might do the trick

Dec 7, 2016

Leuca S.

Load up on the aquaphor as much as possible.

When I had dermatitis it was one of the only things I could put on my skin to let my skin heal.

Dec 7, 2016

Megan L.

Oh and by the way, I usually have normal to oily skin.

Dec 7, 2016

Megan L.

So I just got my braces off!! The only problem is, that when the orthodontist was taking them off and everything, they stretched my mouth really wide and it ruined my skin all around my mouth. Not it is REALLY dry, and red and flakey and patchy and it also stings a lot. What can I do to heal this problem as fast as possible? I have been moisturizing twice a day (or more) and I have been putting a little Aquaphor on it at night to try and help but it hasn't worked yet, so any suggestions would be very appreciated!! thank you!!