Does Oregano Essential Oil Cure Acne?


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Nov 27, 2016

Brook A.

Does it cure acne, and if yes, how should I use it?

Nov 27, 2016

Alexis C.

I haven't heard anything about oregano essential oil for acne. What's your current skincare routine and what products are you using?

Nov 27, 2016

Brook A.

I am using the Aveeno Clear Complexion duo set. I use the cucumber peel off mask from Freeman once a week. I read on a few websites that it helps cure acne.

Nov 27, 2016

Alexis C.

What's in that set? Do you exfoliate?

Nov 27, 2016

Lainee I.

Yes it would probably help, and it will burn. Tea Tree would be better, just be sure to dilute with a carrier (coconut or olive oil are the most common ones) and start with a small amount applied to the area :-)

Nov 27, 2016

Brook A.

@Alexis C, Its a foaming cleanser and a lotion which I use twice a day. And no, I don't exfoliate much.
@Lainee I, thanks

Nov 28, 2016

Leuca S.

Diluted tea tree oil actually has research documenting its benefit for fighting acne causing bacteria. Oregano likely has some anecdotal/testimonial data from people who are fighting confirmation bias, but I haven't seen anything that suggests it's a safe and effective acne fighter.

A good read here (should only take you a few minutes) that addresses oregano directly but also loosely discusses simply following the advice of every person on the internet, as well as approaching "research" with skepticism before applying it to your personal health regimen.

Nov 28, 2016

Brook A.

Thanks Leuca S

Nov 30, 2016

Melissa M.

I've had acne in the past and what worked for me is coconut oil or tree tea oil and witch hazel they work like nothing else trust

Nov 30, 2016

Brook A.

Thanks Melissa!