French plait/braid help!!


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Jan 30, 2017

Jess M.

Hi guys!

As I'm trying not to add heat to my hair I've been plaiting my hair before bed so it's nice and curly in the morning. I've been getting my mum to do as I can't French braid/plait my hair myself!
Does anybody have any good techniques/tips. Or recommend any tutorials?
Please help!

Jan 30, 2017

Anna D.

Sorry I don't really have any techniques but I just watched loads of YouTube videos and personally for me practice made perfect, so in your spare time just practice and you will soon get better and better! Hope this helps:) ♡

Jan 30, 2017

Jess M.

Thank you Anna! I've just spent the last hour practicing! I'll start looking at more YouTube videos and practicing more thank you lovely!

Jan 30, 2017

Anna D.

No problem! Sorry didn't have any proper tips:( But yeah keep practising!- it worked for me! ♡♡

Jan 30, 2017

Hannah K.

I found Dutch braids so much easier to do on myself than French, I struggle to do French on myself (easy on other people though!) but can Dutch braid my own hair so easily. Instead of putting the hair over each strand, you go under. I learnt from youtube and by learning where my hands go, I hate using a mirror as it's all backwards.

Jan 31, 2017

Brook A.

I do french braids on myself sometimes and its not hard for me so I'll help you out as much as I can. You may need this, but I don't as experience grows, you can hang a mirror on the wall behind your mirror to help you see what youre doing. It takes a lot of practice and I just do it without thinking, as thinking makes it more complicated. GOOD luck.

Jan 31, 2017

Ellie F.

No sorry I've got short hair.