Help achieving specific purple!


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Jan 23, 2017

Julianne O.

Hello! I'm about to dye ALL of my hair for the first time (I've been dip dying for years). I want a pretty specific type of reddish-purple, which I've photoshopped onto myself. If anybody has any tips on what colors to mix to achieve this, please let me know! I'd like to use Manic Panic if possible, because I've had a lot of success with them. Thanks so much for reading!

Jan 23, 2017

Julianne O.

Posting another version of it that I like, though I figure a more pastel-y color is harder to get/maintain.

Jan 23, 2017

Essie A.

Hailey's recommendation sounds about right. Good luck!

Jan 23, 2017

Anna D.

I would personally get my hair done professionally so that things don't go wrong and they know the exact colour to mix. Be sure to post a picture when your hair is done! ♡