Confusion About Order of Skincare Steps


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Mar 15, 2017

Tina K.

Thanks, Nedine!

Mar 15, 2017

Nedine R.

Hi Tina! I am new to using The Ordinary products and I had the same questions. Last week I came across a great YouTube channel on skincare. I think you will find answers to your questions and more by watching the following videos.

(Part 1)

(Part 2)

I hope this is helpful!

Mar 14, 2017

Roz X.

I hope you enjoy them. I own and use/enjoy a few and recently expanded my testing of their goods, as well as some of the other lines offered through the company. Don't forget that sun protection every single day and I'm glad I could be of help. Take care!

Mar 14, 2017

Tina K.

Thank you, Leuca!
Rozberry, I'm going to start using their Retinoid formula (2%) and build up slowly. I like that I can purchase a nearly complete regimen for the price of one item in other skin care lines. The no frills and mix match aspects also appeal to me. Since I'm blessed with very few signs of aging, I think (hope) it's a good starter program for me. I'll keep you all posted if you're interested. Thanks, Roz! Xoxo

Mar 13, 2017

Roz X.

I like a few of The Ordinary skin products; they have an affordable C.

Currently, I always start with toner, then serum, then moisturizer followed by my hydrating broad spectrum sun protection for skincare in the morning. I apply toner with fingertips and I pat serums in lightly with my fingertips as well.

In the PM, oil is always my last step as I use occlusion. This, I do for my entire body with regard to after-shower or evening skin care.

Are you using Retinol? Any chemical exfoliants? For anti-aging, these would be staples as well as broad spectrum sun protection. 

Mar 13, 2017

Leuca S.

For instance, a retinoid has better access to your skin when it's clean and freshly towel dried, but perhaps you want to buffer it with a light oil or serum so that you don't get slammed with the full intensity right away. Provided you actually have your products on long enough for them to work, you're really not losing much (if any) efficacy by giving your skin some support while you subject it to intense actives.

Mar 13, 2017

Leuca S.

I will sometimes mix them, but really it's up to you in this case. A heavy oil with large molecular weight will typically sit on the skin and help seal, while thinner, lighter oils will actually absorb quite a bit. Don't worry too ouch about doing it according to a specific routine unless the products specifically requires it.

Common misconception is that layering your products out of order will ruin their effectiveness; this is untrue for most* products. It is true that going in order of lightest to heaviest is simply easier, but most products are incapable of preventing access to the skin for your other products, save for heavy occlusive agents like petroleum jelly/Vaseline, and possibly very heavy oils like coconut.

Mar 12, 2017

Tina K.

Leuca? Rozberry?

Mar 12, 2017

Tina K.

Thank you! May I ask why you do it on this order?

Mar 12, 2017

Sam R.

I put on oils then moisturizer

Mar 12, 2017

Tina K.

Okay, lovelies... I feel stupid, but I'm confused! I've read conflicting articles on whether oils should be applied before or after moisturizer.

I thought moisturizer was the final step to "seal", but then I've also read oils can penetrate moisturizer (or almost anything, lol) yet not vice versa.

Please help!

I'm super excited about discovering The Ordinary skin care line because I've wanted to really start taking care of my skin. I was able to slide for the longest time, but at 48 I really need to adopt good habits (I can't get away with appearing in my early to mid-thirties forever!). This line is streamlined AND affordable! Plus, my skin's been thrashed ever since my major surgery.

Anyone else excited? Used any of their products?
(Sorry BL, but you were sold out, so I purchased from them directly. Free shipping at $25 and a YEAR satisfaction guarantee?. Yes, please!)

Tina K.

Wantage, NJ