Bonton Clinique Beauty Advisor Interview.


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Mar 22, 2017

Jenni L.

Good luck with your interview. I've never worked at a counter but know people who have from doing makeup. Clinique has a very "clean" aesthetic- I would do subtle makeup and conservative clothing. Familiarize yourself with their line of course- skincare is huge with them. Know their "cult classics" like Black Honey. You will do great! Sending good vibes:)

Mar 21, 2017

Alexis C.

Ashley, I've never interviewed for a contour before so I don't know about that but for Sephora they loved that I had previous retail experience.

Mar 21, 2017

Ashley L.

Awesome, thank you so much Alexis! you said that you work at Sephora, is that a harder job to land compared to beauty counters? in other words, is experience a must?

Mar 21, 2017

Alexis C.

I've never worked at a counter but I do work at Sephora. Even if you're not that knowledgeable about the products you'll get the training for it but you need to be confident. Confidence is key when suggesting a product to someone so they'll be looking for that during your interview. Show that you're passionate about the industry and are willing to learn.

As for how to dress, you should look professional. Either dress pants and a nice blouse or a nice dress (not a party or sundress). Jeans and leggings are debatable but personally I wouldn't suggest them. Heels or flats, no sneakers.

Mar 21, 2017

Ashley L.

Also, for a more specific question as well, any tips for how to dress?

I also don't have a background working in beauty, it's just my passion, so any tips on how to stand out would be helpful too.

Mar 21, 2017

Ashley L.

Hey guys,
I have an interview this week at bonton for the Clinique counter.

if you guys have any experience working for bonton or clinquie, or even a position similar to it I'd greatly appreciate some advice for this interview or in general.

I am always extremely stressed out and nervous for presenting anything, and especially for jobs interviews. trying to calm my nerves! :)

thanks guys!