Why does my skin not look good with foundation?


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Feb 20, 2017

Aan N.

You've been very helpful thank you so much!

Feb 20, 2017

Diana T.

You might want to try some tea tree oil as a spot treatment - if you buy it pure you will want to dilute it with water - and then witch hazel is also good for acne prone skin - it absorbs oils on your face and helps reduce redness as well - those are the best natural products I would suggest for dealing with acne

Feb 20, 2017

Aan N.

Nothing like I said I like everything to be natural. So products like lush I use. And I do go to the gym and it helps me a lot with stress. But I don't know. I'll just wait for a week it might take a while for my face to clear up

Feb 19, 2017

Diana T.

If it's stress then just try to do things to destress like yoga or something relaxing - that should help but you may want to see a dermatologist to get maybe a prescription strength cream or something to else to help - also what products are you using now? Anything to combat the breakouts? Do you use a spot treatment for them?

Feb 19, 2017

Hannah K.

When did you change your skincare routine?
I think it could be stressed too, my skin goes crazy when I'm stressed. Nothing shows on my face quite like stress does! When it's stressed I find a lot of calming, cooling products work really well. I love hyaluronic acid for dry skin, I use the B. hyaluronic acid facial spray twice a day (at my morning cleanse and evening cleanse) and the Boots hyaluronic hydrating sheet mask.

Feb 19, 2017

Aan N.

And yes Brook I do exfoliate.

Feb 19, 2017

Aan N.

I changed my skin routine after I started breaking out. I would stop using certain products but nothing would happen the breakouts would keep happening. That's why I literally changed everything I put on my face. And yes even my makeup. So yes foundation is not the answer :/ and I truly believe it's stress. I'm in college and this semester is just very stressful.

Feb 19, 2017

Brook A.

Do you exfoliate? When there was dry skin on my face my face looked crappier than if I just exfoliated.

Feb 19, 2017

Diana T.

How long have you had that foundation? Because most foundation expires after 6 months to a year - and if the formula has gone bad then you need to toss it and buy a new one - I like the Clinique acne solutions line - each bottle has a green color corrector built in to correct fit redness from pimples as well as salicylic acid to help pimples heal faster - it has a matte finish so it's not ideal for dry skin types tho - otherwise you should try to find the cause of the breakouts - whether it's hormones or stress or the old foundation may be the cause - but once you find out what is causing the break outs you can take steps to prevent them - also you said you changed your skin routine recently so something new could be causing the break out as well - the only way to tell would be to stop using the new products until it clears then re introduce them slowly (one by one) to pin point the culprit - in any case I hope you find something that works!

Feb 19, 2017

Aan N.

Hey guys. I really take care of my skin in every way possible. I use natural products. I don't wear makeup too often. I only wear concealer on a day to day basis. I eat healthy. I workout. I clean my makeup brushes. I clean my face. I have combination skin and suddenly I've been breaking out. And my foundation never looks good on my face anymore. What can I do to make my skin look flawless and smooth even with breakouts? I'm looking for new skin care and habits that I can do to make my skin clear up like it was before. P.S. I've changed my whole skin care routine from masks to cleansers to moisturizers.