Toner Recommendations? At A Loss!


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Leuca, I do get a discount which is part of the reason why I specifically wanted to buy from Sephora (:

Jan 6, 2017

Leuca S.

Not asking you to disclose company info, but do you get a sizable discount as an employee? Might open up options a bit more even though most of the expensive options aren't great.

Thanks, ladies. I'm going to look through more items on the website (like I said, I'm looking for products from Sephora) but I appreciate your help (:

Jan 5, 2017

Anna D.

The Body Shop has a tea tree toner which is great for breakouts and oily skin which I love! Hope this helps:) ♡

Jan 5, 2017

Meg M.

Sunday Riley Martian toner.

Jan 5, 2017

Jessica D.

I get 100% organic distilled rose water off of Amazon, depending on the brand it's $10-20 (I buy Leven Rose brand at ~$13, but as long as it's 100% and distilled). It's great for all skin types (I'm oily in summer, dry in winter), helps keep oil down while also being moisturizing. I use it year round and adjust my moisturizer, but that's what works for me. And bonus, my complexion is the best I've ever seen it since I started using rose water daily. Very smooth and it helps minimize my pores.

Jan 5, 2017

Leuca S.

I don't really like most of the toners you can find at Sephora from a formulary/price perspective.

The Algenist Hydrating essence toner might be worth a shot *if* you know your skin doesn't react badly to witch hazel. Their Splash Hydrating setting mist is a bit more expensive but looks less conflicting in terms of ingredients. Does come in a clear bottle which means you will need to store it away from light to maintain the stability of a few of the ingredients.

The Clinique Hydration Mist isn't bad for oily skin either and has some anti irritants.

Once you get to the $30+ you'll find things that are maybe interesting but probably not worth the money you're burning on them, so I can't in good conscience really recommend them per se. The rest of them contain too much alcohol and/or fragrance to recommend to anybody regardless of price point.

I'm looking for a new toner to use at night but I don't know which one to get.

The only skin concerns I have at the moment are hyper pigmentation and breakouts, the hyper pigmentation being my first concern since my breakouts are more stress related.

I have normal to oily skin, not combo; some days I'm just a little more oily than others.

Any suggestions for a toner that I can get at Sephora would be greatly appreciated!