Looking for a Vitamin C serum!


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Dec 28, 2016

Jessica D.

I found this one on Amazon for a great price, just wanted to see who else may have tried it before and get your opinion (DizzyG's)

Or! If you have any brands to suggest for me, that'd also be groovy :) I go for more lightweight products that absorb really well, but in the winter it can be thicker like vitamin e oil (that's what I'm currently using but I think it's actually irritating my face, so I need an alternative)

Dec 28, 2016

Anna D.

Looks good but never tried it. I think that The Body Shop does a good one but I'm not too sure. ♡

Dec 28, 2016

Shauna S.

I love the Body Shops Vitamin C Serum. it leaves your skin sooo soft and makes a great makeup base.

Dec 28, 2016

Leuca S.

Post the ingredients list please? 😊

Dec 29, 2016

Sam R.

I use paula choice vitamin c...so far it's good

Dec 29, 2016

Jessica D.


Dec 29, 2016

Jessica D.

Details 1

Dec 29, 2016

Jessica D.

Details 2

Dec 29, 2016

Jessica D.

What about The Body Shops makes a great makeup base? I don't wear foundation or anything, so would it still be okay as just a normal moisturizer, or added to one?

Dec 29, 2016

Leuca S.

Idk if I would call the Body Shop's product a true serum. It's more of a makeup primer looking at the ingredients.

Speaking of which, I couldn't find anything wrong with the ingredient list on the DizzyG Serum. I'm just going to assume the Vitamin C is good quality. The ingredients are in an odd order to the best of my knowledge but there's nothing wrong with any of them individually.

Would be wise to keep in mind that 20% vitamin c can be potentially irritating at first if you go too hard with it.

Dec 29, 2016

Anna D.

It looks good! ♡

Dec 29, 2016

Jessica D.

Leuca, very helpful, thanks! Would you mind elaborating on the "irritating if you go too hard"? What's to be expected and how should I cope with it?

Dec 30, 2016

Leuca S.

20% is a relatively high concentration of Vitamin C. In its l-ascorbic acid form (which this product contains) it must be at an acidic PH to actually remain stable and function properly for lack of a better term. It can take a little time for your skin to adjust to using it, so if you notice anything more than some tingling upon application I recommend diluting it by mixing with a drop of moisturizer or something.

If your skin is sensitive especially be sure not to mix it with high concentrations of niacinamide. A common misconception is that these two ingredients are incompatible, but really they just create a slight chemical reaction that can cause flushing in more sensitive skin types.

Dec 30, 2016

Shona S.

Have you ever thought of vitamin C supplements? :)

Dec 30, 2016

Leuca S.

Shona, the issue with taking vitamin C supplements is that you cannot focus the actual active where you want it. As vitamin C is water soluble, your body will excrete anything it deems excess fairly quickly. Your skin has the most direct access to nutrient intake via topical application most of the time.

Dec 30, 2016

Shona S.

Thanks heaps Leuca S, that makes a lot of sense! :) I also believe that it is really important to add supplements to your diet, so it can address numerous areas of your health! These days we don't get enough from our diets. I've found my skin has really improved from taking health supplements, to nourish your body from the inside out :) just a thought!!

I have vitamin e capsules that I open and apply to the skin that work amazingly? It's a product with all natural ingredients

Dec 30, 2016

Anna D.

@Shona S I agree supplements can really help with your health! ♡

Jan 2, 2017

Elaine T.

Is clinical pro heal doesn't cause blemishes and it heals old ones. It's worth the money

Jan 3, 2017

Jessica D.

Thank you ladies! Good to know :)