Mild acne and rosacea help!


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Feb 23, 2017

Danielle H.

Thank you, Leuca!

Feb 23, 2017

Leuca S.

For acne/rosacea a BHA product would likely be better in my opinion. Salicylic acid is a derivative of aspirin, and at lower concentrations can have an antiinflammatory effect on top of exfoliating the skin.

Feb 23, 2017

Danielle H.

Hi Jannin, thank you so much! I will definitely take the advice on board! :)

Feb 23, 2017

Janine P.

Hi Danielle, I was diagnosed with acne rosacea a few months ago as well.
After dealing with it for months and not being able to treat it myself being an (esthetician) I had to see a derm, she put me on antibiotics, and some topical ointments for morning and night. She also suggested I keep my regimen pretty simple. Cerave cleanser a.m, spf 30, at night the topical oitments she recommended and cerave p.m. No exfoliation. My skin has definitely improved.

I agree with Hannah on the foreo. I would actually stay away from it until your skin is back to norm. I also think the paulas choice aha 8% is too much for your skin right now.

Feb 23, 2017

Danielle H.

I will try using the Foreo once a day and see how it goes. I'll also look into some products that have aloe or cucumber. Thanks Hannah :)

Feb 22, 2017

Hannah K.

The one thing I'm a little concerned about is using the Foreo twice a day, everyday. I'm concerned that it's stripping your skin and causing your acne and rosacea to be worse due to over stimulation of the skin. I have rosacea and I love using anything anything that's cucumber or aloe based as I find it really calming on my redness and can calm a flare up within a few hours

Feb 22, 2017

Danielle H.

I went to the doctors yeserday and found out I have mild acne and rosacea, I didn't even know I had either of them. So I was given antibiotics but I can't swallow them as they're too big, I contacted my doctors and I'm waiting for them to get back in touch. I was wondering if there was anything I could do in the mean time?
My skin care rountine consists of:
cerave hydrating cleanser with my foreo device
Paula's Choice recovery toner
Paula's Choice AHA 8%
Paula's Choice day time moisturiser with SPF 30
Night time:
Pretty much the same except for moisturiser which I use cetraben instead.
Thanks! :)

Danielle H.

England, United Kingdom