Setting your foundation,


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Feb 24, 2017

Olivia H.

Ah thank you so much (-: I blotted after moisturizer yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised w the results :-)

Feb 24, 2017

Aurora S.

It takes off most the coverage? Then that particular foundation must really not dry much at all I'm assuming, I only have that problem with some cream foundations.

I would just stick to blotting after your moisturizer. Just because you're dry doesn't mean you HAVE to use a foundation for dry skin especially if your skin is only slightly dry. If you have a good moisturizer you can get away with using a foundation for normal to even combination/oily skin.

But yes, you could just set the foundation with some powder till its not wet or sticky feeling. I would go a little at a time so that you don't over-powder which is a no-no for dry skin

Feb 23, 2017

Olivia H.

Aurora, If I blot after foundation it actually takes most of the coverage off, I don't get it. I have dry skin & I've tried so many different moisturizers. But I do use the NARS sheer glow, maybe that's why it doesn't dry? Anyways , thank you so much!! ☺

Feb 23, 2017

Aurora S.

It's a preference thing.
Overall, it can depend on your skin type as well as the foundation type.

Not all foundations "dry" especially a lot of cream foundations or a more moisturizing type of liquid foundation. Their formulas just have more emollients to help keep the skin moisturized which is why they don't always dry down like others. Some have more emollients than others. So, some foundations DO need powder to dry.

I have oily skin and foundations always feel a little wet (mostly cream or tinted moisturizer)
or tacky(especially if it's a long wearing type of foundation or airbrush)

If you have dry skin you could be using cream contour and such over the foundation and not have to worry about the powder dragging and getting patchy OR when you get your contour shade on your brush, spray it with something like fix+ and it can help the product glide on over the foundation.

If your skin I'd quite dry, it should be soaking up the extra moisture rather easily and essentially "drying" the foundation.
It could be your moisturizer that prevents it from drying down, make sure the base of your moisturiser and foundation base are compatible. Or perhaps the moisturizer is too heavy.
It can be a number of factors.
You could even blot a bit after moisturizer and foundation and it should help if you don't want to use powder over but on oily skin, I tend to have to do that press&roll technique a lot but on dry skin a light tapping with a brush should do

Feb 22, 2017

Olivia H.

Alright so I tried yesterday using less foundation and still felt tacky after 20 mins.. I have dry skin, could it be that maybe my moisturizer doesn't soak in? I give moisturizer like an hour to soak in..

Feb 22, 2017

Aleena P.

I wouldn't say that you don't need it. just that you shouldn't need it to make your foundation dry. powder can help set everything in place for longer, but the foundation needs to take some responsibility for its own actions as well (lol) and a light dusting of powder should be good enough for that. if I remember right that foundation doesn't have a pump to measure with, if that's the case make sure you aren't pouring out more than about a dime sized drop at a time.

Feb 21, 2017

Olivia H.

I use the NARS sheer glow.. I really didn't think I used that much but I'll try using less today o: thank you so much!

Feb 21, 2017

Kitty K.

How much foundation are you applying? I've never had my foundation feel wet or tacky after applying it. I always use a pump and a half at most. Any more coverage needed I leave to a concealer and spot conceal. Afterwards I set using either RCMA or Koh Gen Do and I typically use a powder puff or a powder brush. You can always blot a bit (I prefer a sponge) after applying to get excess off.

Feb 21, 2017

Rhiannon C.

Maybe you just need a new foundation then?

Feb 20, 2017

Olivia H.

Aleena, so you're saying I don't need powder at all? I've let my foundation sit and "dry" for 30 minutes before setting &it's tacky o;

Feb 20, 2017

Aleena P.

You want your foundation to have a chance to set before applying powder products like blush because otherwise it can be hard to blend them out over the wet base and things can get muddy easily. you shouldn't need more setting powder to achieve this, just a bit more patience. you should always use powder with the lightest hand possible to avoid emphasising texture or making your skin look dull.

Feb 20, 2017

Olivia H.

But if it's tacky the powder contour and what not will go on okay?

Feb 20, 2017

Rhiannon C.

You don't make it all smooth*

Feb 20, 2017

Rhiannon C.

In all honesty it could be personal preference. if you don't like it to look all perfectly smooth and matte, you make it all smooth, but if you want some texture and not all matte then tacky to the touch is the answer

Feb 20, 2017

Olivia H.

I use rcma no color power to set my foundation, and I use powder contour & everything else powder on top. When you put on your setting powder should your face be like tacky to the touch or are you supposed to put enough powder to where it's smooth and you can rub your fingers across? Sorry if that's a dumb question, lol. Thanks in advance beauties 💕