Best Moisturizer for Acne Prone Skin?


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Jan 8, 2013

Raisa J.

Hey Guys,
So I am having some issues finding a skincare regimen that works for my combo skin ( I only get bad cystic acne on my cheeks) and I am wondering what oil-free non-comodogenic lotion you would recommend for day and night? I was using Clinique (with oil in it) and I just really want to avoid skincare products with oil in them. I heard the only oil that is good for acne prone skin is jojoba oil, but I can't seem to find it in stores.

Any suggestions? I wash my face with cetaphil for sensitive skin. I just really want a moisturizer that is oil free but won't dry up my skin :)

Thanks in advance :)

Jan 8, 2013

Kelsi T.

A really good oil-free moisturizer for acne prone skin is the Clean& Clean advantage acne control moisturizer! It won't dry out your face, plus doesn't add extra oil, but includes salicylic acid to fight and prevent acne!

Jan 8, 2013

Ashlynn G.

Well i just use any moistorizer. But
Bb cream is AMAZING for my skin. :)

Jan 9, 2013

Mary B.

You could try a murad moisturizer. These are specifically designed for combination skin. Also, Boscia Has a hydrating gel lotion in their black skincare line that is a smart moisturizer. This means you will get hydration where you need it and oil control where you need it. When it comes to my skincare, I don't mess around with drugstore brands

Jan 9, 2013

Brooke M.

Try bb creams they help with acne skin but this is cheap and cheerful and I love it! Asdas young skin matt finish moisturiser £1! Evens skin time and gives it a healthy glow and doesn't leave your skin oily it's great:)

Jan 9, 2013

Ashley A.

Aveeno clear complexion. Has spf in it, has sysilic acid to get rid of acne and is oil free yet super smooth

Jan 9, 2013

Amy E.

I have acne prone skin as well and I prefer to use a moisturiser that is really gentle and doesn't contain anything like salicylic acid. Simple has a lot of different moisturisers available. I currently use the light hydrating moisturiser, it's super gentle and great for sensitive skin but i does contain oil. They do have an oily skin moisturiser though, I think I'm going to try it out myself.

Jan 9, 2013

Laura H.

its not a moisturiser, but garnier clay 3 minute face masks cleanse and theyre are brill

Jan 10, 2013

Raisa J.

Thanks ladies I will look into these! I have the weirdest skin. It's like in the spots that I usually tend to get oily I don't get acne and then like I get acne in my dry spots... I have the weirdest skin ever! Any other tips for cystic acne let me know... I am also on the lookout for a good exfoliator for my face! So thanks again!!! :) 

Jan 10, 2013

Amy E.

Raisa my skin is exactly the same!! I get super oily in my t-zone where I get almost no break outs, and on my cheeks where I can get quite dry I break out terribly. It's hormonal of course, but so annoying. Have you been to a dermatologist? I spent years trying all sorts of different treatments and about 4 months ago it all became too much and I went to a doctor. It was the best decision I ever made because now my skin is finally starting to get better. I just wish I went sooner!