Blackheads clearing nose


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Feb 6, 2016

Hannah K.

I agree 100 billion percent with Shanice, I adore Liz Earle! I use the daily rose gentle exfoliater and the hot cloth cleanser daily and it is amazing, has really helped with my blackheads

Feb 6, 2016

Nathalie C.

Oil cleansing method and chemical exfoliants are your friends. Avoid pore strips as they don't completely remove blackheads and cause broken capillaries. I suggest you treat the problem at the root.

Feb 6, 2016

Shanice M.


I can't reccomenf this enough! Works wonders for me :)

Feb 5, 2016

Hannah K.

So personally, I'm really prone to blackheads, and what I like to use are two things:

-Biore pore strips, which work really well for me (though they don't work for everyone, but it doesn't hurt to try). They basically adhere to the comedones (blackheads) and pull them out if they're not too deeply embedded. They're not great for constant use, but once a week or so usually does the job for me.

-Origins Charcoal Clearing Mask, which I also use weekly. The active charcoal in this works to dissolve any sebum buildup in your skin, be it blackheads or breakouts. It's really awesome, but it does dry out your skin so if you use it please make sure to use a heavy moisturizer afterwards.

I also see an esthetician monthly who does the more difficult extractions for me, though I'm a picker so on occasion I'll just remove them myself. I highly, highly recommend finding an esthetician for facials every 4-6 weeks, I've seen such a dramatic improvement in my skin over the last three years that I've been getting monthly facials, it's insane. Nothing helps like a skilled esthetician, seriously.

Feb 5, 2016

Laura Y.

Any good remover/clear for blackheads that will work? Anyone know from UK about this? x