Clindamycin? Thoughts on this as a topical gel?


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Feb 7, 2016

Stephanie G.

My skin a year later after I had been on Retin-A for a few months.

Feb 7, 2016

Stephanie G.

My skin on clindamycin.

Feb 7, 2016

Anna C.

Used it for more than a year, hoping it would eventually start working. Unfortunately that never happened for me.

Feb 5, 2016

Glem C.

It worked for me greatly!!
But later again I felt that acne on my skin
I rather chose natural method of removing it
Now I am left with only some acne scars for which now I am using aloe gel overnight
It is really effective

Feb 5, 2016

Naomi K.

Umm it never really helped me. No long term effects or anything just didnt work.

Feb 5, 2016

Parnika J.

It worked for me initially but then after 3-4 months it stopped working.

Feb 5, 2016

Stephanie G.

Like used to it as in it will stop working.

Feb 5, 2016

Stephanie G.

It worked great for a while but your skin will get used to it. It won't with Retin-A.

Feb 5, 2016

Melanie C.

Thank you Stephanie! I haven't really had any stinging which I thought was weird. And my skin isn't dry! I'll talk to my doctor about retin-A :)

Feb 5, 2016

Stephanie G.

It worked for a little bit for me. It stung really badly and made my skin flaky. It never worked as well as Retin-A. My skin was never really clear.

Feb 5, 2016

Melanie C.

Hi guys I was just wondering if any of you have ever used clindamycin for your acne as a topical gel. If so,
Did it work well?
How long did it take for results?
Side effects?
I've been using it at least once a day for over three weeks. I know I should wait several months, but I'm impatient. I can't really tell if it's even helping. I just want to know if it's worth it. Thank you :)