Seventh grade makeup


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Jun 28, 2016

Isabella S.

I would use concealer, eyebrows, and I think black mascara would be just fine. And tinted lip balm is a great idea! I wouldn't even bother using powder just because it wears off during gym class and to me isn't that big of a need at that age. But use whatever you're comfortable with. And for asking your mom, I first asked just as simple as mom can I buy this and wear it? And from there I just kinda asked can I get this and I'm now wearing everything. But even if you're wearing a full face of makeup, that doesn't mean it has to be dramatic or look like you're wearing a lot of makeup.

Jun 27, 2016

Riley O.

Tell your mom that you've been thinking that you would like to wear makeup. You can mention what other kids are wearing and explain what you intend to wear but don't use that as your main argument because you might get the jumping off the bridge argument back. If your mom is a little worried about it, ask if you can do what you plan to do and have her inspect it. If she sees you're going to wear the makeup responsibly then she may let you wear it. Also, be responsible in every other aspect of your life. If you have pets, feed them or take them out. You can make your bed or offer to help make dinner. Little things like that will prove to your parents how responsible you are. The powder should prevent that. You may need to try different brands to find out what works best for you :)

Jun 27, 2016

Riley O.

That's a great amount of makeup. Wow! Your grade seems way more mature than my was. I started wearing eyeshadow and mascara in sixth grade and I was ahead of my class. The look you intend to wear is very natural and beautiful and it's a great start! If you have any more questions we'd all be happy to answer! :)

Jun 27, 2016

Hannah K.

Just had to Google how old 7th grade is, I'm assuming you're 11/12? I think what you wear now is great Alex :)

Jun 27, 2016

Yaya B.

HI ALex I also have a daughter in 7th grade and I think what Rina said is perfect. what you are using now is fine... if you want a more dramatic look you can try learning how to do a winged liner or even just a little liner on the waterline. you can use some soft shimmery shadows.

Jun 27, 2016

Sabrina K.

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Jun 27, 2016

Casey N.

The powder might not last all through gym, but I recommend getting blotting sheets to help with the sweat, and after you blot you could always add another light dusting of powder.

Jun 27, 2016

Brooke K.

Hey Alex! I think that's a great idea and definitely not too much or too little make up. You never wanna start out with too much, you'd rather start out more natural in the beginning when you're first getting started. You could approach your mom by telling her you have interest in beauty & you'd like to experiment with it without going over the top, especially for your age group. The finishing powder basically sets all of your makeup, but because it's a powder it will add a more matte finish on your face so it should help prevent it from sweating off in gym. You could always bring it with you in your book bag and apply some powder after gym as well! Hope I helped!

Jun 27, 2016

Rina H.

Hi Alex! I started wearing makeup in 7th grade as well. As far as how to ask your mom… why don't you ask her if you and her could go get yours and hers makeup done together. Good first step. It sounds like you have the right idea about what makeup you want to wear. Stay with the natural colors. The finishing powder will help set your makeup… but doesn't normally make it last all day. A primer will help a lot good luck!

Jun 27, 2016

Alex A.

Hi. I'm going into seventh grade, and I want to start wearing makeup. The girls at my school wear full face makeup, but I don't want to do that. This is what I want to do:
Eye lash curler / brown or clear mascara
Finishing powder
Do eyebrows naturally
Tinted lip balm

Is this too much or too little? How do I ask my mom to wear makeup? Will the finishing powder prevent my makeup from sweating off in gym? Thanks!