Makeup & Styes


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Jun 23, 2016

Marysol A.

I recently got a small stye on my lower eyelid and got it the day after applying any makeup. I applied my make up, went out, and came home and fell asleep with it on (which I know is bad for my face but I was drunk) for about an hour before I half ass took it off with my makeup wipes. After that I went back to sleep and the stye was 100% obvious in the morning.

I read in a different forum post on here to throw away anything in a tube or that I can't disinfect. I lovvveeee my urban decay mascara & it would hurt to just throw away a new tube especially if its unnecessary... I just want to know if I a really have to throw it away... I've never had a stye before. Sorry for blabbing so much around a simple question

Jun 23, 2016

Jamie D.

You probably should, but I didn't get rid of any makeup when I had my stye and I haven't had it reoccur.

That being said, mine was very small and went away after a few days. As soon as I noticed it, I didn't apply any makeup to it until after it disappeared.

I'd say that if you've used the makeup on your eye area after the stye appeared, then you should throw it out. If you haven't used any makeup since noticing it, then don't use any until it's gone and you're probably OK to keep your makeup.

The best course of action would definitely be to throw it out, and you're risking further infection if you keep it. But I can't really blame you for wanting to keep it. So yeah, here's the risks, and it's up to you to decide what you want to do :)

Jun 23, 2016

Kim M.

It's basically a staff infection in your eye, so yes. you should toss it. it sucks but you'd just be re infecting yourself.

Jun 23, 2016

Alexis C.

I had a pretty bad stye in my eye awhile ago and luckily I had other mascaras to use so I could just toss the one I had used. You definitely need to toss it.

Jun 23, 2016

Kitty K.

Mascara tends to breed a lot of bacteria so I would toss it to be on the safe side.

Big hint:
Travel size mascara have lasted me up to six months. I purchase UD Perversion mascara in the travel size tube ;)