Painful pimples!! 😳


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Jun 23, 2016

Jamie D.

I agree with Rozzberry! A tea tree spot treatment that's alcohol free, mixed with some aloe vera usually helps my painful acne spots a lot! After a few days I typically see a significant difference in swelling and pain. I hope this helps! Also - don't get discouraged, painful acne is very common and typically not something super in your control, nor is it something you should be ashamed of! There's a lot of options you can do to help with the issue though, so you should definitely try out some of these suggestions, and definitely make a trip to the dermatologist!

Jun 23, 2016

Meighan S.

Umm, Your situation is a bit horrifying. If acne's are painful then there has to be some wrong disorder in your hygiene and your diet. Sometimes, it is due to hormonal changes, many people suffer because of hormonal changes. One of the product you can go for is Zeroblem, a good acne preventing serum by Solvaderm brand. Its oil-clearing properties promote an optimal balance of healthy skin compounds to clear up breakouts quickly and ease pain and unsightly swelling and redness. I hope you will go a long way in curing those acne's. Good Luck!!  :)

Jun 22, 2016

Camryn L.

Thanks so much Marleen and Rozberry

Jun 22, 2016

Roz X.


Jun 22, 2016

Roz X.

It sounds hormonal to me...cystic acne perhaps, which can run deep. I'd talk to my doctor about birth control targeting acne, avoid heavy creams, paraffin, mineral and coconut oil as well as fragrance. Pulling back on high hormonal meats and dairy often helps. Your best bet is a BHA lotion or gel, such as Paula Choice and using light layers of moisture on your complexion. A tea tree oil or salicylic based wash countered with a detergent free hydrating wash should also help. You'll need broad based sun protection, such as CeraVe AM or EltaMd. You may also want to invest in a soothing, non-alcoholic, aloe based toner.
I'd use an all-cotton or silk, breathable pillowcase washed or changed every 3rd day.

Jun 22, 2016

Marleen B.

There can be a variety of issues that could be causing this. Genetics, hormones, stress, diet, the wrong skincare products and also...your haircare products. I mention the haircare only because of the location of the pimples. Certain products, mixed with your natural skin oils, sweat, makeup and bacteria can be contributing to your problem. I would start scrutinizing your products & try eliminating certain ones to try to pinpoint the culprit. If you can't figure out, it may be worth it to see a dermatologist.

Jun 22, 2016

Camryn L.

I realize this isn't the most pleasant topic for some people lol! Every once in a while I get these kind of big pimples that only appear on the sides of my face (next to my ears) as well as on my forehead. The thing that's different with these is that they really hurt and are sore. They really stick off my face and it even hurts a bit when I move around my face. What's causing these pimples and how can I get rid of them/ prevent them from coming back?