Weird this normal?


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Aug 5, 2016

Chloe N.

Okay I'm sorry for the weird question. So you know, it's summer right? And summer means swimming and wearing bikinis and stuff, and ya know how you don't want any hair down there right? Well I will normally just shave along my bikini line know...but I have noticed there is just a lot of dark pigmentation along my bikini line, and I feel like it looks really weird. Does this happen to some of you too? Could it be that I use a razor and my skin is just reacting? Again I apologize for the awkward question haha😝🙈 does anyone know how to...lighten around there? Or if pigmentation is normal? Thanks😹

Aug 5, 2016

Aleena P.

It is absolutely normal. darker skin is very common where your skin creases. I have darker skin there and also under my armpits and the crease inside my elbow. I agree with charli that any bleaching products would be dangerous. bleaching in general is risky as ever, such a tender spot would make me very nervous.

Aug 6, 2016

Chloe N.

Okay well thanks you guys! And I would never ever want to bleach my skin there or anything! Just wanted to see if that was normal-ish ha. Shannie- it's normally just there in the summer. Thanks everyone!