Getting A Cartilage Piercing?


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Sep 6, 2016

Aryanna G.

Hey girls I'm thinking about getting my cartilage pierced as you can tell by the title but I want to know alittle bit more about it does it hurt really bad does it get infected easily thanks in advance.

Sep 6, 2016

Susana F.

Hey! I've just got mine done about four days ago, all I can say is the actual piercing doesn't hurt itself, it just feels like a slight burning sensation, but everyone's different, once it's pierced it can be quite painful, it can also swell up, be warm in temperature , and be sore but that's all a part of the healing process! Also make sure you choose which ear you get done carefully, because usually I sleep on the right side of my face, and I got my right ear pierced and I can no longer sleep on it since its abit sore, also sleeping on the earring could cause an infection and also slow down the healing process and can give you keloids, so just choose the ear that you don't sleep on!:) or if you want to get your ear pierced that you sleep on just make sure to sleep the opposite way of that makes sense! You can get an infection if you don't clean it everyday twice a day, clean it by doing a sea salt soak, by using 1/4 of non iodine sea salt and put it into a coffee mug and fill up with wArm/ hot water and put YOHR ear into the mug and keep it there for 10-15 minutes and do that twice everyday! :) YOHR ear piercing could be infected if you don't this everyday! Also make sure You DONT touch touch your earring what so ever, don't play with it, don't twist it BECIASE this will cause an infection! Also there may be crusting around YOHR earring but it's all part of the healing process so don't DONT pick off the crusting Because it could rip the layer of skin around YOHR ear and germs can get into it and get infected too, also if there's white/ off yellow piss coming out of your earring don't try to squeeze or touch it just clean it with the soak and leave it alone! :) lap if there's any bleeding whilst cleaning the earrings THAGS all part of the healing too!:) I hope I've helped! But there will be some discomfort and pain but TNAGS all normal!:) I hope I've helped and good luck! And it literally takes two seconds to get it pierced I was scared at first but trust me it goes so fast you won't even realise!:) that's what mine looks like after four days! It's abit red as you can see but that's all normal!:)

Sep 6, 2016

Susana F.

Also you have to keep the piercing in for 8 weeks do not change the earring until 8 weeks later!:)

Sep 7, 2016

Aryanna G.

Thank you so much for detailed response

Sep 7, 2016

Sam R.

The best thing to do is don't change the earring until it's healed... cartilage can take up to a year to fully heal...I will recommend to change it after 3-4 mths only if it's necessary
I also use cotton to soak mine... put two pieces of cotton front and back drenched in the saline solution and repeat when the cotton gets to room temperature
only touch your piercing while cleaning and showering and try your best to not let any other products touch it (makeup, hair products, face products etc)

Sep 7, 2016

Susana F.

Your welcome!:) good luck!

Sep 7, 2016

Grace E.

I have several piercings and I've found that personally I don't take well to piercings and it usually takes about a year for mine to heal and it takes a lot of maintenance. My sister also has a few but hers healed very quickly and took very little maintenance. It all depends on your body. I don't think it hurts that much, I honestly think my lobe piercings were more painful!