Teeth Whitening Methods


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Oct 4, 2016

Alicia C.

I actually have used the 5 minute kit and loved it cause it actually worked for me

Oct 1, 2016

Angela J.

I agree with Alyx. It's called plus white 5 minute whitening gel. My dentist actually recommended it to me years ago and it works sooo well.

Oct 1, 2016

Angelia A.

Baking soda works and it's a lot cheaper
Also strawberries help whiten teeth as well
Stay away from coffee and tea

Oct 1, 2016

Alyx T.

Oil pulling can work to see point but it doesn't bleach your teeth, it can only remove the surface stains. So depending on your natural teeth color it may or may not make a difference. Personally it lightened a lot of the tea stains I had on mine, but it didn't make them whiter because I have naturally less than super bright white teeth lol.
What really lightened mine is a kit from Walmart. It's the 5 minute whitening kit. It's a gel that you keep on for a few minutes and it works really well. I use it about once a month since I have sensitive teeth, but I notice a difference with each use.

Oct 1, 2016

Alicia C.

Wasn't quite sure to put this but I recently been wanting a whiter smile. I was mainly curious about how well oil pulling or brushing with turmeric worked, and interested in hearing other methods you ladies have tried.