Want to fade scars from acne.


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Sep 21, 2016

Cara G.

When I was in my mid-20s I suffered from a short term about of cystic acne that has left my skin with scars and pock marks in some areas (mainly my cheeks). They aren't super deep or noticeable at first glance but up close they are evident. And of course I always know they are there.

I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations (aside from laser treatment) of products that have been successful in minimizing facial scarring. I'm now 37 and seeing early signs of aging so I'm trying to combat that preventatively as well. I'm using Olay Regenerist Microsculpting Cream as my moisturizer (which BTW is incredible) so what I'm looking for is something that will work along with Regenerist where the ingredients don't cancel each other out. Or something that can be alternated with it.

Any ideas?

Sep 21, 2016

Cara G.

Short term *about, not "about"

Sep 21, 2016

Cara G.

OMG I give up

Sep 21, 2016

Logan C.

For the scars that aren't pock marks vitamin c serums work really well. I use the Lumene beauty drops. It's a single treatment of vitamin for each night. They are great for getting rid of the scars that are only discoloration. As for the deeper scars I know there are at home microdermabrasion treatments. Olay makes one I'm pretty sure. However it's always better to go to a professional. I personally would be wary of doing microdermabrasion at home by myself. But if you think it's something you could do you should look into it!

Sep 21, 2016

Kiara H.

Make sure you out on sunscreen everyday too. this really helped so much for me because the sun makes the marks darker and I didn't wear sunscreen before and now I do and noticed a huge difference.

Sep 21, 2016

Cara G.

Logan, thank you! I actually do use a vitamin C serum under the Regenerist at night, one that I make myself using distilled water, glycerin, coconut oil, and a healthy dose of neroli, grapefruit, and sweet orange essential oils. But I also know that vitC as a facial treatment works verrrrry slowly, which is why consistent use and patience are imperative. I actually hadn't even considered that the serum could double for this purpose because I use it primarily for halting my fine lines but it is great for hyperpigmentation too.

Kiara, yes ALWAYS! Thank you for pointing that out. It should be second nature for everyone to regularly use sunscreen but to further the point, my father has skin cancer right now, basal cell carcinoma, from 57 years of NOT wearing any. He is actually going tomorrow for surgery to remove the cancerous cells (they are on his left cheek, an extremely common area for skin cancer because that's the side that faces the sun while driving) and hopefully he will be cancer free by tomorrow afternoon.

Thank you both so much for your help! :)

Sep 21, 2016

Chloe N.

Vitamin C serum, exfoliating twice a week, and also a tip I learned is putting Arnica gel. It is a soothing muscle gel, but it works wonder for acne and scarring. You can find it at whole foods and target.

Sep 21, 2016

Leuca S.

If you are already using a daily sun protection product that has broad spectrum protection as well as adding additional antioxidants to your skincare, your last step to fade discoloration would be to add a daily chemical exfoliant to speed cell turnover and get rid of the excessively pigmented skin. If you are still suffering occasional breakouts, I'd look into a salicylic acid product from Paula's Choice. If you don't have acne anymore, I recommend grabbing a glycolic acid product. I'd still consider Paula's Choice, but you can also look within Olay's line at their Nightly Peel product, or at some of the products from Alpha Skincare.

Physical pock marks/indentations *cannot* be treated with skin care products, not even with prescriptions like Retin-A. Do not let anybody fool you into wasting your money; you're better off saving that and getting laser resurfacing and/or filler treatments.

Sep 22, 2016

Jeffrey C.

Ice is an extremely excellent way to get rid off acne scars. You just have to wrap the ice in a cloth and keep on the scars until it get numb.

Sep 22, 2016

Cara G.

Thank you so much everyone for all the recommendations.

Leuca, I had a feeling that was the case with pock marks. I suppose I'll eventually have to have laser treatment done. They aren't really that severe TBH and they've faded a lot on their own over the years but I can see them and they sometimes bother me and/or affect my makeup application. Thanks for your help :)

Sep 23, 2016

Leuca S.

The good news is that treatments are getting more and more effective. If your scarring is minimal you'll likely have fantastic results; just make sure to do plenty of research. :)