I Just Really Want To Get Rid Of My Redness😕


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Aug 29, 2016

Callie T.

You could have urticaria

Aug 28, 2016

Leuca S.

If you aren't using an SPF that could be making it worse, but to me it sounds like an underlying condition. Those particular formulas from clinique shouldn't be aggravating you unless you have a specific allergy, but the SPF moisturizer is pretty basic and the non spf has a jar, which means it could be introducing an unsanitary environment to your skin. Regardless, it shouldn't be exacerbating your redness quite so much,.

Aug 28, 2016

Evelina K.

Yeah, I wouldn't be too surprised if that played a part as I do have sensitive skin. I use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer from Clinique meant for red skin, then I use an Estée Lauder concealer, followed by Clinique almost makeup pressed powder foundation and Too faced Chocolate bronzer, and that's all I use on my face for the most part other than eye makeup. And I use neutrogena makeup remover.

Aug 28, 2016

Leuca S.

There could be irritating ingredients in your skincare/makeup routine that are causing an underlying condition to appear worse.

Would be worth seeing your derm, but if you could tell us what you put on your face daily?

Aug 28, 2016

Evelina K.

Okay, so the flushing is just the original redness coming back. I will give it a try!:)

Aug 28, 2016

Ivey S.

I have not experienced that, however it notes that after flushing can occur which means that once it wears off, they get red. But if you put it back on then it will make your face normal again. It's a cream so it's not permanent results but the results for me are definitely there. It takes ab 30 minutes to set in and start to work but once it works it should work for the rest of the day.

Aug 27, 2016

Evelina K.

Okay, thank you so much for the help! I looked into it and some people are saying if made them even more red after a while, did you experience this? (Sorry for all the questions)

Aug 27, 2016

Ivey S.

Yes. I do not have rosecea and it helps me. You would have to go to a dermatologist because it has to be prescribed

Aug 27, 2016

Grace N.

I get that ALL the time. I use a green tinted primer for days its HORRIBLE and then a green concealer for when it's not as bad. That is just to hide it. I found that when you think so much about it, it just gets worse.

Aug 27, 2016

Evelina K.

Okay thank you both, I will try to see a dermatologist then, seems like the best way. And Ivey, I looked into Mirvaso just now, do you think it would help even though I don't have rosecea? And would I need to get it from a Derm or could I go out now and find it in stores?

Aug 27, 2016

Ivey S.

I have the same
Problem but it's a little worse haha. Go to your dermatologist and ask for mirvaso. It helps the redness go away. But it does not help with heat redness. You do not have rosecea. If you had that your face would be swollen & bumpy and it would stay and never go away. But yeah ask for mirvaso.

Aug 27, 2016

Janelle R.

I have the same problem! Following this thread if you don't mind :)

Aug 27, 2016

Alexis C.

I suggest seeing a derm or esthetician to make sure you don't have rosacea or another skin condition first. Unfortunately if your skin is just naturally red then I don't think there's anything much you can do to calm it.

Aug 27, 2016

Evelina K.

And I don't think I'm wearing face makeup in this picture, but maybe a green primer as my redness looks a bit "blurred"

Aug 27, 2016

Evelina K.


Aug 27, 2016

Evelina K.

Here's actually a picture so you can maybe better knowledge of what it looks like

Aug 27, 2016

Evelina K.

For as long as I can remember, I have had red skin. I think I have naturally a pinky undertone, but I have pretty red cheeks and nose, and sometimes chin. It looks like I put on some ski goggles and then got sunburnt, because there is kinda a ring around my eyes that never gets red. And if I laugh or am embarrassed, I turn to a tomato, but I guess that's for everybody. I really don't want to have to wear face makeup everyday to school, but last year I got pretty tired of the comments "You are red as a tomato" "are you blushing?" (Note: I'm in 10th grade now). I don't know if I have Rosacea, or if maybe it's sun damage? But I don't spend excessive amounts of time in the sun, or at least not anymore than any one else. As a Swede,I prefer the cold...
so what should I do? Is their any miracle product or supplement? I'd really appreciate any help.