Can you help me with my acne?


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Aug 29, 2016

Leuca S.

You may not be particularly acne prone, but lemon and rubbing alcohol should never be staples in your skincare routine. They are drying and damaging to the skin, causing premature aging. Lemon in particular (as well as other citrus) is phototoxic, meaning when exposed to UV light it causes *additional* damage to the skin, on top of it already being irritating.

Aug 28, 2016

Elsa L.

I no it sounds crazy I have multiple face things to you guys it might be weird but I have good skin no acne
1i use lemon and sugar and scrub my face
2 use a face wash by clarins foaming gentle cleanser with a new green dishes sponge to wash my face and body takes off the dead skin and dirt
3 I use head and shoulders to wash my makeup off and my skins glowy and for acne I use alcohol with cotton balls which dries my pimples and I notice dirts on my skin and the next day my pimples dissapears or goes down

Aug 28, 2016

Chloe N.

It could be the Michelle water. I have heard that the ingredients in micellars have broken people out. Maybe try excluding it from your routine for a week just to see if it does a difference? And then I would suggest getting an exfoliating face scrub, and a moisturizer. Both of these will help your skin become healthier all round:) hope this helps!

Aug 28, 2016

Ivey S.

I would recommend changing your skin routine if it is not meeting your standards. I love the biore charcoal cleanser jt cleared me up really well.

Aug 28, 2016

Sabrina K.

You age is also good to know when recommending products, how old are you? How long have you had trouble with your skin? How long have you been using your products?

In your teen years your skin is more prone to acne because of hormones, so that's good to have in mind as well.

Aug 28, 2016

Rebecca J.

Hi Grace when we say skintype we mean like dry/ normal/ oily/ combination rather than tone. Is your skin more on the dry side or the oily? :)

Are you using any moisturiser or toner in your routine at all?

Have you added any new products to your makeup routine over the summer?

Do you have a budget in terms of how much you're willing to spend on products?

Aug 28, 2016

Kat S.

I use the Burts bees herbal blemish stick and it's amazing. It got rid of my acne in 3 or 4 days. I put it on in the morning and at night.

Aug 28, 2016

Grace F.

I have quite fair skin and I wash my face every morning with clean and clear face wash then at t I wash my makeup off with micellar water and then use clean and clear again.

Aug 28, 2016

Sarah O.

What is your skin type and skin routine?

Aug 28, 2016

Grace F.

Hi, before the summer holidays my skin was okay. I had a few spots here and there but now I have a lot of them. They aren't huge but are visible I have tried a few products but they take a long time to work. Can anyone help me? X.