Do my eyebrows look good?


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Sep 4, 2016

Riley O.

I recently started doing my eyebrows and I don't know if I am just not used to it or if it doesn't look natural enough. What do you guys think?

Sep 4, 2016

Rebecca J.

I'm not a fan to be honest. they look quite blocky and heavy.

What product are you using to fill them in and how are you applying it?

Sep 4, 2016

Aryanna G.

Point them at the end they are too round at the end

Sep 4, 2016

Danica P.

I'd extend and slim the tail to a point and blend the front so it goes into a dark brow not just a block of color look up tutorials on YouTube Internet or pinterest they are everywhere!

Sep 4, 2016

Lara C.

Every time you add pencil or brow gel, go through it with a spoolie. I think you're using too much product because they arent natural looking. you will realise that you don't need as much product.

Sep 4, 2016

Lara C.

And towards the front use an even lighter hand.

Sep 4, 2016

Ashlyn Z.

They don't look natural. Try just filling them in instead of drawing all over them.

Sep 4, 2016

Rissa G.

What products did you use?

Sep 4, 2016

Grace N.

All the suggestions the girls gave you are great. You should try them. They look so unnatural.

Sep 4, 2016

Ivey S.

Use a lighter hand. The difference between your profile picture and this picture is wayyyy to much. It looks like you got a brown marker and drew them on. (No offense) so just try to lightly fill them in.

Sep 4, 2016

Sophia G.

They look to unnatural. Try and go in with a lighter hand and point the tail at the end a little more because it is a little to rounded. I hope this helped!

Sep 4, 2016

Kathryn R.

Girlfriend, let me tell you. Eyebrows are so hard when you first start trying. I've been a freelance MUA for a few years now, and I still struggle sometimes, so don't feel bad!
When I first started, the #1 thing my clients would complain about was their eyebrows. I had to really practice and work to get it right, and even now I don't get it right sometimes! You are not alone!
When I first started, I drew on brows too heavily. Exactly like you did. Yours are a bit too square by the nose, and a bit rounded at the tail.
Keep this in mind: pencil is for volume, powder is for depth, pomade is to waterproof.
I don't know how your brows normally look, but I would use pencil in flicking motions in the direction of hair growth, and then use an angled brush to fill in any sparse areas. I always like to extend the tail of my brows by a few millimeters. I think it makes the eye appear bigger and there's something sexy about it. Someone else above mentioned to use your spoolie and brush through each time you add product, that's great advice.
Don't give up, it can take a while for it to feel natural. Your eyes are gorgeous, btw!

Sep 4, 2016

Abby G.

Eyebrows are so hard!! I feel ya! Try using a lighter hand and maybe a lighter pencil even. Also, point the end of the brow! Good luck!

Sep 5, 2016

Riley O.

Thanks guys! I used the E.L.F eyebrow kit. I don't think I'll continue doing my brows. I basically started doing them because I love makeup and eyebrows are something I'd never considered. But my eyebrows are so thick. Plus, I spent ten dollars for two kits because the first one was too dark and I was intent on trying again. I might just put some product on the very few areas that are a little sparse. Hopefully I can find someone who might want to use the products I got because I'm a little disappointed to spend money on this product when I would really like a good brush set. I just think my money would be better spent on something that's more needed like brushes stuff. :)

Sep 5, 2016

Rissa G.

Well definitely don't give up! I definitely agree with you - the next time you give it a go use it only on the more sparse areas and go from there. :) I think the problem here is maybe you had too heavy of a hand! Which is totally normal, ESPECIALLY for beginners! You should've seen mine when I first started - BLACK Sharpie brows to the max! Lol. It's a learning process and that's the fun in it. :) definitely invest in a spoolie as well! It helps a heaps more!

Sep 5, 2016

Riley O.

Thanks RT.!

Riley O.

New York, United States