To perm, or not to perm?


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May 31, 2016

Katie G.

I got a perm and it was the best thing for my hair which I know sounds crazy but my hair wasn't damaged or anything. I would go for it. Just make sure to deep condition.

May 31, 2016

Breonda T.

I think instead of Perming your hair; which can cause damage and breakage in the hair.You should start a hair transitions journey in getting your hair curly. There are tons of videos on YouTube😊

May 31, 2016

Brooke L.

I would consult with your hairdresser. When your hair is color treated you'll need an acid permanent wave, this being said, its not as strong n harsh as an Alkaline wave so you'll probably need todo pink or even gray rods to achieve that type of curl. Good luck, hopefully all goes well.??

May 30, 2016

Angela J.

Definitely find a salon with great reviews or get referrals from friends bc a perm gone wrong usually goes VERY wrong LOL. However I got one a few years ago and absolutely loved it. Loved it. Just make sure to bring a ton of pics so they know exactly what you're looking for:)

May 30, 2016

NiK I.

I have thick straight hair so about 4 and a half years ago I got a perm it didn't turn out well it was dry hard to use hair products and you have to grow it out so at one point my hair was half and half it was awful but that could just be my hair type but if it did work on you I think it would look lovely on you

May 30, 2016

Mariana E.

Ask someone who really knows about it. Perm chemicals are not as harsh as they were in the 80's 😂 so I guess there will be some damage, but it will not be the end of you.
If you really want I change I'd say GO FOR IT! You're going to feel awesome and the damage on your hair can always be repaired by a haircut.

May 30, 2016

Fae G.

Lol but honestly my biggest fear is that I'd end up looking like the girl from legally blonde XD I really don't want poofy

May 30, 2016

Fae G.

I mean really my hair isn't too insanely damaged (except for the pieces she burnt but that's just some around the front of my hair and now it kinda just looks like I have whispy bangs) but yea that is definitely a concern of mine

May 30, 2016

Fae G.

Yea I was worried about that too, I'd definitely talk to my hair dresser before and ask them what they think but I'm actually switching people at the moment (my last person burnt my scalp a ton and burnt off a chunk of my hair from using the bleach wrong) so yea lol we're switching but yea

May 30, 2016

Fae G.

Another example

May 30, 2016

Fae G.

One example of the hair I like

May 30, 2016

Fae G.

Ok so I have straight hair and I absolutely hate it. I curl my hair a lot and recently I've been thinking a lot about getting a perm. I love hair like in movies like that are kinda fantasy medieval Renaissance like curly hair and I just think it looks so gorgeous (I'll attach some pics of what I'm talking about) and I would super love to have curly hair. I wouldn't get the crazy poofy tight curls, I'd get a bit looser an smore ringlet-ish but I just ag I don't know if I should D: what do you guys think?