Inner Thigh And Armpits Dark.


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Mar 7, 2016

Brianna J.

Since spring break is coming up soon I really want to wear swimsuits but my armpits and inner thighs are dark any way to make them look lighter?

Mar 7, 2016

Jah-Jah R.

Exfoliate daily to get rid of the dead skin cells that could be making your skin look darker. Also potatoes have natural lightening properties so some people rub potato slices on their arm pits to lighten then gradually

Mar 7, 2016

Jah-Jah R.

And using soft wax instead of shaving would help because waxing rips off a layer of the skin. So waxing is another form of exfoliating.

Mar 7, 2016

Rissa G.


Mar 7, 2016

Ivette H.

I used to have very dark underarms. an epilator helped me to lighten them. I also agree with jah-jah are. exfoliating will also help.

Mar 7, 2016

Rebecca S.

Would you guys use lightening creams on them or is that a bad area?

Mar 7, 2016

Manasi S.

Ivette do you vave any tips for epilating your armpits? It hurts like hell so stop two seconds after I start 😕

Mar 7, 2016

Ivette H.

Rebecca I tried a lightning cream and a lot of diy's. nothing worked but the epilator.

Mar 7, 2016

Ivette H.

Manasi Using an epilator does hurt however it's only the first few times. I started with my legs and then tried my underarms little by little. it took a few tries before I got to completely epilate the whole underarm area. After a few tries it honestly doesn't hurt and you start to see a difference in the color.

Mar 7, 2016

patty s.

Definitely when I stopped shaving my underarms and started using an epilator helped lighten my skin. Once a week I exfoliate with a mixture of baking soda and coconut oil. You can also exfoliate your inner thighs. you can find lighting creams on amazon specially made for that area.