hello girls! I need some advice on weightloss


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Jan 17, 2013

Adreanna R.

So, over the past year it's been really stressful moving out, starting college, and new job and sadly I haven't been paying good attention to my body.

I've tried diets before but I can never stay motivated. Any recommendations on how to stay focused or anything that has worked for you?
Thank you xo

Jan 17, 2013

Meghan M.

Hey, I'm sure almost all of us have been where you are, if we're not there now. I just got back into my road biking and working out routine. I work at a gym but haven't done a thing in about 5 months. Honestly, the key is to finding something you love. I love road biking, it makes me feel like a kid again, and you're not stuck in a gym so you can change up scenery. As for working out in a gym, it's always worth it. You may not want to at all but after you get going you feel amazing. It's also a great stress relief!! Here's a photo of how I look now. I've lost 40 pounds since may....

Jan 17, 2013

Meghan M.

Also! As for cooking healthy Pinterest keeps that great! Such awesome healthy ideas and recipes you'd never think of :)

Jan 17, 2013

Melissa A.

There really is no "secret" tip. You just have to watch what you eat, and move. The diets work but the weight always comes back. You just have to really live a healthy lifestyle, have a good support system! Hang out with friends that eat clean and don't drink or party too much! ( I know that's hard when your young ) its worth it in the long run, it's hard to keep weight off, the stresses of life, and all the temptations! but if you want it you can do it!! 

Jan 17, 2013

Melissa A.

But you already know this, your a beautiful lady! I'm starting the master cleanse, for I think it's 10 days , ahhh not looking forward to fasting 

Jan 17, 2013

Adreanna R.

Wow thats really inspiring! I'm deffinetly going to try biking I've never thought to. But thank you so much, you look great!

Jan 17, 2013

Gina D.

Eat clean Train hard! Really focus on your eating habits, lower calories, sodium, sugar and carb in take. Also, you need to exercise on a regular basis. Start off at a slow pace and work you're way up. 20 mins of cardio and different muscle groups each workout to start. 

Jan 17, 2013

Ana R.

Try pilates. Work out you're body weight. It will give a long lean look!
Keep motivated by imagining you're self healthy and tone. Haha it sounds weird but it works for me. Also put post-its all over you're room or the while house with motivating quotes! It really does work!

Jan 17, 2013

Adreanna R.

I'm gunna try the notes! :) thank you so much eveeyone!

Jan 17, 2013

Karrene T.

i love zumba i have been doing it for about a year and i combined it with weight watchers online. i went down a whole dress size. i like zumba because it is more like dancing for me and weight watchers online was cheaper

Jan 17, 2013

Aqila A.

try downloading fitness app, it's a really great way to watch your calorie intake and promote excersize :) good luck! 

Jan 17, 2013

Gina D.

I agree with aqila. Fitness apps are a great way of keeping track especially if you're on you're phone a lot. 

Jan 18, 2013

Rachael I.

Eat less and do more. I really like runkeeper, it's a free app and it keeps me motivated to exercise. 

Jan 18, 2013

Danielle B.

It's not about a diet. It's about a lifestyle change. Only eat when you're hungry. No boredom or whatever. Do NOT eat while watching tv. Eat smaller portions. Your body can get full on less than you'd think. Drink lots and lots of water. Last night I found a workout on Pinterest for each day of the week. It looks easy. I tried it this morning and it kicked my butt. But in a good way. 

Jan 18, 2013

Gina D.

Also, allow yourself a cheat day! Just one and don't over indulge 

Jan 18, 2013

Kathy C.

I agree with Meghan M. find something you love. I LOVE to run!! Try different things out and def cut back on meals. Special K is great also!! If you replace two meals a day with it you will see a difference:) I lost my baby weight in about two months with special K and of course working out.. 

Jan 18, 2013

Zoe L.

Ok to loose weight, you need to exercise without gaining muscle. Stay away from fatty foods, but one day a week, eat yourself sick (preferably Sunday) because then you won't want to eat any more the rest of the week. I lost 5lbs (: hope I helped!

Jan 18, 2013

Emma J.

There's no shortcut to healthy weight loss. Just take care of your body. Watch what you eat and workout in any spare time you get. 

Jan 18, 2013

Vanessa C.

You can eat whatever/however you want as long as youre equally or more so active! Im 16, so I walk around town a lot/bike ride to get places & I also hit up the gym for an hour 4 times a week(: If you can add walking for a couple hours a day into your routine, maybe even jogging or biking then you really dont have to change how you eat. I eat fast food daily, at least 2 times a day and im in pretty good shape.

Jan 18, 2013

Vanessa C.

Heres how I look now that ive been actually hitting up the gym(: 

Jan 18, 2013

Vanessa C.

Also, i completely forgot I was flipping off the camera in the pic sorry! 

Jan 18, 2013

Alice H.

Don't restrict your diet too much. Forcing yourself to not eat things (carbs, sugar, etc) will end up with you binging eventually, and that ends in shame for binging. Not a good cycle to get into. Everything in moderation. Be sure to eat lots of healthy veggies. People think diet, they think salads, but all salads aren't alike. Try to have veggies that are dark green or have lots of color (bell peppers, carrots, spinach, kale, beets, etc). Sugar is not the enemy, but be sure that you're noticing when you take in sugar. Fruits are really high in sugars, for example, so having fruit and then a dessert is two (or more) servings. And if you haven't already, cut soda out of your diet! Even if it's diet. That shit is just bad for you, all around. There are some studies that found even diet soda is related to weight gain, because the body is tricked into thinking it's taking in sugar. Water, instead! Hope you can get to a place where you feel comfortable with your weight. All those changes (starting college, being on your own, all that) can be really stressful, so make sure you're taking care of your mind and mental well-being as well!

Jan 18, 2013

Vanessa C.

Alice-Diet soda doesnt directly cause weight gain, or 'trick' the body into thinking it's getting sugar, it does the opposite. Fake sugars make your body crave actual sugar & people give in to it easily.

Jan 18, 2013

Victoria T.

Eat clean and train mean! Eat natural foods, nothing thats over processed or has tons of synthetic chemicals or all that bad stuff. But most of all dont do it as a diet. Look at it as a lifestyle change, something you can actually stick to and do for the rest of your life. It may be hard at first but when soon your body will not even crave all that no good food.

Jan 18, 2013

Alice H.

Vanessa, actually it's really unknown what those fake sugars are doing to your body. The studies are pretty inconclusive. There have been multiple that show a correlation between diet soda and weight gain, even when eating habits are controlled for. When looking at brain scans of diet-soda drinkers, studies find that their brains react the same to sucrose (sugar) and saccharine (fake sugar), effectively tricking the brain into believing it has taken in sugar.