Do spray tans look unnatural?


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Apr 3, 2015

Megan D.

I want to get tan before summer time hits, but don't want to go in a tanning bed and harm my skin. But I feel like spray tans will come out orange and unnatural when I'm going for a bronze look.

Apr 3, 2015

Alicia C.

It honestly depends on which brand you use, how you apply it, how much you apply it, the undertone of the product/how well it fits your natural undertones, etc.

Apr 3, 2015

Les N.

yes they do.
I don't like how it looks when people spray tan, no matter the brand it just always looks un-natural.
you can always tell the difference between a natural tanned girl and a girl who gets fake tans tbh.
honestly, just embrace ya color girl lol, I don't undertand why anyone wants to change there skintone.
I get tan super easy (actual tan, not orange) and it ain't so fun.

Apr 3, 2015

Alicia C.

If the undertones match well, if it is a good brand ( St. Tropez compared to a cheaper brand from Dollar General), and you don't overlap it too much, you should be good to go. Bonus - spray tans are extremely better for your skin's health than a tanning bed or laying out in the sun for long periods of time would be :)

Apr 3, 2015

Bre H.

If done at a salon no.

Apr 3, 2015

Charlotte B.

What's the point in getting a fake tan just before a real one! :) just wait for the sun and get anatural one they look so much nicer

Apr 3, 2015

Megan D.

Yeah I'm not trying to change my skin tone. I just like being tan during the summer time but don't want to harm my skin. Sun = wrinkles lol. But alright thank you everyone :)

Apr 3, 2015

Charlotte B.

Sun cream = protection! :)

Apr 3, 2015

Les N.

Do you mean sunscreen charlotte? lol.

Apr 3, 2015

Charlotte B.

No lol I mean sun cream? That's what we call it in England mainly haha! People are always asking what I'm talking about!

Apr 3, 2015

Les N.

But yeah if you apply sunscreen then it protects your skin from the sun, plus looks WAY better than a fake tan/spray tan.

Apr 3, 2015

Charlotte B.

Agreed :) use sun cream ;)

Apr 3, 2015

Shaye M.

Have you considered gradual tanning? Some of them have SPF in them so you're tanning aswell as protecting your skin from any sun. :)

Apr 3, 2015

Charlese C.

It depends on the brands my favorite to work with is sjolie because you can custom color it you really just need to make sure the undertone matches

Apr 4, 2015

Liz S.

I get tanned easily so I don't spray tan. But, I do use gradual tans here and there for events and I do find them very natural. One of my friends got a spray tan after coming back from Mexico to seem like it was from there and it was orange based looking!

Don't use sunscreen it's awful for you. Use a mechanical sun block instead if you're scared to burn.

But I find that spray tans can look natural when not used properly. Try and see if any salons in your area provide Mystic Spray Tans. It's one of the most advanced machines and I absolutely love them. It's a carb based formula that darkens over the course of 8 hours so you have full control over how dark you go and you're not applying a bunch of chemicals on your skin.

Regardless of what spray tan you do, you should always exfoliate before hand and wash your body with a MILD SOAP because harsh chemicals can throw off your pH and react with the spray tan (which is why some people go orange) be sure not to moisturize before hand because it affects how your skin absorbs a spray tan and can cause it to show ip patchy or not at all

Apr 4, 2015

Les N.

Brittany how is sunscreen awful?
I don't burn at all, I just get tan easily and sunscreen Isn't "awful" for me.

Apr 4, 2015

Charlotte B.

Yes I'm also wandering why it's awful for you? In what way is it bad for you?

Http:// try reading this it is one of my favorite articles, and I recommend doing your own research. I refuse to get into it with the people of beautylish and take over this girls post hahaha but all I can really tell you to do is your own research.

Chemical sunscreen is unhealthy, which is why I recommended mechanical sunblock by the way in case you missed that lol. Thought this isn't what her post is about and I don't think we should get too off track.

Apr 4, 2015

Les N.

Haha I don't believe things online, they could just a person writing whatever they feel is true, I only believe my derm.
since I do know they have went to school for it.
not things from google, online articles, etc.

There are medical journals online, and this is a topic I've talked about to many derms and scientists from the vitamin d society at a seminar I went to. I've been researching this for years, so if you could refrain from being rude because I tried to recommend a different product (STILL a sunblock) to a girl it's much appreciated :)

Any of the points in that article are credible, it's just a good article to share with the general public as it's an easy read and it's easier to understand for a lot of people

Apr 4, 2015

Les N.

Brittany you took that the wrong way 100%.
thanks but I wasn't even CLOSE to being rude to you.
I'm telling you that I don't read online articles because most of them aren't true, it's my beliefs wether you like it or not.
if you take it the wrong way that's great but I wasn't being rude at all.
you should seriously re-read what I said.

Apr 4, 2015

Shaye M.

I agree with Jocelyn, depends on the brand, I wouldn't say it depends on your colour though, I'm pale and I've had to try a few different tanners in order to find one I liked and wasn't streaky, too orange, etc. Also, I don't mean to get caught up in the disagreements but sunscreen really depends on your skin type, I'm a redhead, have very little to none melanin in my skin (pigmentation) so I just burn and peel, never tan. It depends on your personal skin colour whether or not sunscreen/block is going to be useful or not to you. Just my opinion, skin cancer is very common in my family and all of them used sunscreen, it doesn't matter really, sun is sun. The safest way to ensure you don't get your skin damaged is just to wear a big hat, cover up or stay out of the sun. Gradual tanners are the best alternative when trying to get a tan. Just my thoughts :) I see where Brittany was going.