Hair question!! :)


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May 31, 2015

Baileigh M.

Well the girl in the photo has multidementional color. Meaning she has highlights and lowlights in her hair too, it's not just one colour.

May 31, 2015

Hannah K.

If your hair isn't super dark you can definitely just dye over it with red.

Whether you choose highlights or single process color is entirely up to you, I think either would look good but it would look more natural and cohesive to simply dye your whole head. Are you planning to see a professional for this?

May 31, 2015

Chelsea N.

Okay, so I currently have medium dark brown hair... I want to go to this color red.. I have never colored my hair before, so I have a couple questions..

1.) would this require any bleaching?

2.) would I dye my whole head or do highlights?

I'm sorry for sounding so dumb on the topic but I've no experience on this lol
Thank you ladies for any answers :) xx