Youtube Channel Please Check It Out.


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Jun 1, 2015

Hannah K.

I've just watched like 5 or so of your videos and I honestly really like them :) like you seem such a genuine person. Few criticisms I have is that the intro bit with the music and your name is far too long, I got bored in the intro. You also tend to loose your thread occasionally and talk about un-related topics, which can make viewers want to switch off as they get bored.
But what I really liked is how honest you were, you just seem such a lovely person. I have depression too, always here if you need if a chat :)

Jun 1, 2015

Sabrina K.

Elizabeth when promoting a youtube channel or blog or what ever it is only allowed to do sp in the intro and promotion section. Posting it in other categories can get your post deleted and if it happens more than once it can get your profile deleted.

Just so you know, this belongs in Intros & Promotions (:

Jun 1, 2015

Elizabeth M.

Please help me reach 200 so I can start doing makeup tutorials here my link